..It's not a question, It's an order

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I woke up in a chair. Someone had moved me. I wasnt in the room anymore, but in a big living room. The walls was painted with a deep red colour. The funiture were all black, and made of a comfy fabric. I let my body sink down in it before I noticed a big painting in the other side of the room over the fireplace. It was a painting of a dark angel crying, while holding a white angel in his hands. A arrow had gone through her heart. The surroudings were all dark blue. She looked dead. I felt desolate after looking at it for a while. It was craving my attention, and I was giving it all I had. 

"You're awake" I quickly turned around. My heart skipped a beat. The man from earlier looked at me. He was leaning against the wall. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a black suit with a black silky shirt under. No bow or tie. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the painting. I was scared and mad. I was mad at him for kidnapping me, and scared that he would do anyting to me or hurt me. 

"You like my painting" I looked back at him. Wait, his painting? 

"Your..?" He smirked. I needed to find a way to escape. I carefully looked around for a door or window. Jackpot. A few meters away. A big, black and gold door. Thats my ticket. 

"Don't think about it mi Amore" He started slowly walking against me. I liftet my chin up, trying to look confident. 

"It's locked" My heart dropped. I swallowed. My palms were sweaty. I wanted to cry, beg him to let me go. I started blinking. 

"Why am I here? Who are you?" I straighten my back. He stopped walking. He stood right in front of me. His smell made it hard for me to think straight. 

"Reasons.. I'm Romeo mi Amore" He put his hands in his pockets. He had an Italian accent. Of course his name was something as cheesy as Romeo. 

"I didn't know you had such a weak heart" Damn I could grate cheese on that jawline. I looked into his deep, brown eyes. The fireplace gave a red reflection to the rest of the room. Romeo walked around to the back of the chair. I sat completly still. He leaned over the chair, having both of his hands on each side of the chair. My inside felt like it was on fire. Shivers went down my spine. I tried to focus on breathing normally. 

"I'll keep you safe" He whispered. My neck got filled with goosebump. I wanted more. I leaned my head back, being able to look him into his eyes. 

"What do you want?" I whispered back. He gave away a heavy breath and walked infront of me. He got down on one knee, being able to look me straight into the eyes. 

"You're staying with me. It's safer if you dont know why. Don't try to escape, you wont be able to. And if you somehow manage to escape-" He leaned closer.

 "-Then I'll hunt you down-" He put some hair behind my ear.

 "-find you-" he carefully moved his hand down under my chin and liftet it up. 

"-and pull you right back here. It's not a rule or question, It's an order. Do you understand" I didnt respond. It felt like I wasnt able to breath. I had butterflies going crazy all inside my body. 

"Good" He got up and slowly walked to the door. I sank down and held a hand over my chest. I started breathing heavy. He reached the door and looked back at me. I fast straighten up and pretended like nothing. He left. 

I had trubble sleeping that night. All I could think about was how messed up this was. That it felt like my body wanted my kidnapper. This is insane. But I couldnt stop thinking about him. Or how he calle me "mi amore" or how he smelled. I shaked my head, trying to get him out. But it didnt work. So I decided to go for a walk. I had taken a shower and changed before bed. I was wearing a silky smooth long white dress. It was so soft, it was to die for. I wanted to fall off a cliff in this thing. My warm feet hit the ice cold floor. I tried to walk slowly to the door, but stumblet a bit. It was complete darkness. My heart started raising a bit, I opened the door. The hotell smell surrounded me, and I ran through the hallway down the stairs. 

I found the lobby. Nobody was there. I ran as fast as I could to the main doors that led to freedom. I stopped right before them and looked around. I was breathing pretty loud. I was pretty warm from running. It was completly silence all around. I carefully walked out the doors. The fresh summer air hitted my body. I took a deep beath and closed my eyes. The moon was shining bright. I could hear city noices. It was a big balcony out here. As big as the loby. It was stairs down both sides, but only room for one at the time down the stairs. It smelled like fresh air and well the city. The balcony was cold under my feet. The dress was protecting my body softly. But I could still feel the air through it. 

"Miss, you have to go back inside" A stright mans voice broke through the peace. I slowly turned around. It was a guard. 

"Why am I even here" Maybe the Guard would answer my questions. 

"Boss wants you here" Boss? I remebered the men who kidnapped me saying "Boss is going to be happy now" I licked my lips fast and swallowed. 

"Boss? What kind of Boss?" I asked. The guard cleared his throat. He turned silent for a little while. He doubted. It looked like he wanted to tell me, but something held him back. I took one step closer to him. 

"I thought you knew" The guard said confused but calmly. 

"Knew what?" I crossed my arms. It looked like he was looking for the right words. 

"Miss... Boss, as in Mafia Boss" I lifted my eyebrows. A fear crawled up my body. I froze. I held my hand over my mouth. My eyes filled up with tears. 

"Miss?" The guard stepped closer but I took a few steps back. Anger slowly started filling up my body. The tears started running down my cheeks. The moonlight was lighting up the Balcony.  It was him. How could I be this stupid. He killed my fiance. 

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