Chapter 17

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Words: 822
Edited: December 25th, 2022

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

3rd person's POV
"Give me my phone back, Tadashi!"

"I'm sorry, but your brother needs it"

"For what—?! Hey!" Y/n yelled as Tadashi went inside Ainosuke's office. Y/n walked in to see Ainosuke holding the phone and accepting the tournament.

"What—" he smirked at her, "I only want to see you there, dear sister. After all, you want to be a part of the tournament and bring your dear father's name to the top... don't you?"

☾ ☼ ☽

Langa was holding his phone, thinking of the tournament when Reki skated over, "What are you looking at?"

"Huh? Oh, ADAM showed up yesterday, and—"

"I don't wanna hear it. You know how much I hate him, right?" 

Langa looked down "Yeah." It was quiet between the two when suddenly "Langa... Can you do that thing again?"

The two boys skated under the bridge again and Langa did the same trick. He skated up the wooden plank and rolled up against the wall and then landed back down. "Is this good?" Langa asked.

"I... If your jump ten times, how many times can you reach..."

"Huh?" Langa asked and Reki looked up from the ground at Langa and smiled "Sorry! It's nothing!"

Some feet away from the boys, unknown to them. Y/n was watching them. She saw right through Reki's smile.

☾ ☼ ☽

It was later, the sun was setting and Y/n was at the bridge, trying to get the height Langa got.

"Y/n..." she looked up at the voice to see it was Reki. She looked away and caked herself.

"What do you want?" She asked and he crouches down in front of her. He cupped her cheeks and looked at her. He used his sleeve to wipe away some dried blood from her forehead and he sighed "Be more careful idiot," he said and looked to the ground to see some lines. They were around 15-20 and he guessed it was how many times she has tried without progress.

He sighed and began to try it himself as Y/n calmed down a bit and drank some water.

☾ ☼ ☽

Some tries later, Y/n ran over to Reki when he smashed into the fence. "Are you alright?" She asked and he looked at her "Yeah..." he said and looked down. Y/n frowned "Reki, look at me," she said and cupped his face so he was forced to look at her.

"I know what you're thinking. All those people saying you're not enough. But you are. I've been there. I've been in your shoes. I wish I could help you but the only person who can help you... is yourself,"

He gave up and laid back on the ground, his head in Y/n's lap as she began to play with his already messy hair.

He reached up to his hand to the drawn star, "It's unreachable... for me... for us..." he said and Y/n looked down. Feeling the rain starting to pour down.

☾ ☼ ☽

Reki was walking back home after leaving Y/n off at Kojiro's house. But when he saw Langa standing outside his home, he stopped and was about to turn the other way.

But it was too late, Langa saw him and ran over "Reki! Welcome home." Reki didn't look at him "You need something?" He asked, his voice low "ADAM is hosting a tournament." Reki held tightly onto his board "So?"

"I'm thinking about entering,"

"What about the promise with me?"


"You said you wouldn't go up against ADAM again!"

"I'm sorry, but I—"

"Don't apologize! It just means you're gonna break the promise with me, right? Do you know just how much I... That's enough." Reki walked past Langa but the boy grabbed the redhead's arm "Reki! I wanna go up against ADAM!"

"With someone dangerous like that?" Langa smiled

"But he's an amazing skater. You'd understand as a skater, too, right? Skating together with someone amazing like that gets you excited!"

Reki looked at him like he was crazy "Excited? I... don't get excited! I'm scared. How can you be acting like it's all fun and stuff? I don't get it at all! You and ADAM are nothing like me. Nothing like us." Reki held his head low.


"Do whatever you like. You crazy geniuses can skate with each other as much as you want. I can't keep up. You and I aren't... a good match anymore," Reki began to walk home. Leaving Langa in the rain. "Reki..."

Some feet away from the two, Y/n stood with tears filling her eyes after watching the two boys she loves argued for the first time.

She was gonna tell Reki that her brother accepted the tournament against her will but now... she doesn't have the strength to.

When Langa turned around, he was shocked to see Y/n standing there with heavy tears falling. His eyes go widen. It broke his heart to see the girl he loves so dearly cry and look so miserable...

'What have we done?'

Skate with me • Reki & Langa [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now