Langa's ending

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Words: 798
Edited: December 25th, 2022

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

I turned to see... Langa.

I smiled at the boy before me and noticed he was holding something. It was flowers. I giggled as he handed me them. He stepped forward and smiled down at me as he took my hand in his. "Y/n... I like you. A lot and... I wonder if you want to be my girlfriend." I giggled and looked up at him "Always so forward. But yes, I like you, too, and I'd like to be your girlfriend, Langa Hasegawa,"

Langa smiled and leaned down to kiss my cheek but I moved my head and our lips meet instead.

Langa was shocked but melted into the kiss and I smiled against his lips before we parted.
"You're my world, Y/n."

☾ Current time ☽

3rd person's POV
The door to D/n's bedroom door opened to reveal Y/n's husband, Langa Hasegawa.
She smiled and so did D/n that stood up from her bed and ran over to Langa, holding up her hands for him to hug her. Langa smiled and picked his 6-year-old daughter up and walked over to the bed.

"Dad! Mommy is telling the story of how you met and your confession to her!"

"Really? I can't understand that you remember all that after all these years."

"I could never forget about it, no matter how old I get. And watch what you're saying, I'm only 28," Langa chuckled and laid his daughter on the bed and kissed Y/n's lips.

"How was work?" she asked and Langa sighed, "It was fine. Much more work than I thought," Y/n smiled down at their daughter

"Alright, sweetheart. Time for bed. It's a special day tomorrow." D/n smiled and curled up under the covers.

"Alright, mommy." Y/n laid a peck to her forehead and so did Langa before the two walked out of the room, slowly closing the door before turning to Langa. "How's Reki?"

"He's been doing fine. He's a free man and all." 

"What? And you aren't?" Y/n laughed and Langa sweat-dropped

"I know what you meant, Langa. Don't get so nervous now." She said and hugged him. He smiled down at her and she smiled up at him, "I love you, Langa."

"I love you too, Y/n."

☾ Next day ☽

"Happy Birthday, D/n!" Y/n walked into the room with her daughter who held her hand.
D/n smiled brightly and ran over to her uncles, father, and grandma.

Kojiro slowly pushed his son towards D/n and he held out the present he had in his hands.

D/n took them and hugged him with a smile. The poor boy froze and fell to the floor with a blush. Y/n and Nanako awed them and Kojiro laughed at his son as he helped him up.

Y/n sighed with a smile and walked over to the balcony. Ainosuke who smiled at his niece noticed Y/n walk out and followed her.
She laid her elbows on the balcony fence and let out a tired sigh.

"You okay?" Y/n looked at her brother and smiled "Yeah."

"Y/n. The truth." She giggled and stretched and looked into the house to see Reki and Langa hand D/n a skateboard that she happily accepted and hugged them both.

Y/n smiled "I'm just wondering how my life would look like if my father was alive." Ainosuke looked into the house as well and sighed "I don't know if it would be better or worse. But one thing is sure." Y/n looked at him "I know your father would be very proud of you." Y/n smiled and hugged her brother who hugged back "Thank you, Ainosuke." She whispered and he smiled when suddenly D/n walked over

"Uncle Aino! What did you do?" She yelled, catching the attention of the others "What did I do, D/n?" Ainosuke asked and D/n pointed at her mother "Mommy is crying!" Ainosuke's eyes widened and he parted the hug from his sister to see her crying with a smile. "Y/n?" 

"I'm sorry. I'm just happy." Langa walked over and picked up his daughter on his shoulder and laid a kiss on his wife's cheek. "You sure?"

"Yes. I couldn't be happier than to have all of you in my life."

Miya let out a chuckle, "You've always been such a crybaby." Y/n smirked "You're the one to talk!" Everyone laughed as the younger man huffed.

The rest of the afternoon and night. They all celebrated D/n's birthday. D/n and Kojiro's son got closer as friends with every hour that went by and soon enough, the two fell asleep while sitting on the couch. Everyone smiled at them and Y/n covered the two with a blanket.

Y/n walked over to Kojiro, Kaoru, Reki, and Langa and he hugged her as they looked vet at their sleeping daughter.

"Our chapter ends."

"And her story begins."

Skate with me • Reki & Langa [Edited]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora