"So, what kind of skater is this ADAM guy?" Langa asked as he ate his food "He's the guy who started "S." Rumors say he's still undefeated." Reki said and Langa looked to be happy, "Don't you be getting all excited" Reki said

"Anything else?"

"Well, most of him is a mystery," Y/n said and Reki nodded, "Yeah, though, the founding members probably know," He said and Langa looked at his friends, "Founding members?"

"Like Cherry and JOE. The veterans like them all—"

"That's not true," Y/n and another voice said at the same time and they all looked beside Reki to see JOE.

Y/n's POV
"JOE?" Reki asked

"I was skating with ADAM way before "S" started." He said and casually eat his meal

"You know him?" Langa asked me and Reki

"This is JOE, one of the founding members!" I introduced, "He's known as the fastest six-pack skater!" Reki continued.

"Ugh, Reki, I'm eating here," I commented and he glared at me.

"Anywho, he's the strongest skater if you're talking just about power!" Reki said and Kojiro held him around the neck with the curve of his arm.

"Don't gimme that "just about power" thing!" He said and Reki lost his way of breathing.
"I-I-I give up!" Reki struggled to get out of his grasp and I chuckled.

"So, is ADAM really... an amazing skater?" Langa asked and the man let go of Reki; he sat back down.

"People call him... "the Matador of Love"."

"Love?" Langa asked and I stopped eating.

"ADAM says... that skating is a ritual of love." I said while rolling my eyes and Reki sighed, "What's up with that? I don't get it,"

"I don't get it, either. When it comes to him... Not anymore. But he's certainly a dangerous skater. Those who beef against ADAM can't escape being severely injured. Indeed, many people have already quit skateboarding," Kojiro said and I glanced at Reki.

His friend got injured a long time ago but he always seems so down when he talked about him so I never questioned it.

"Got that? You should listen to your senpai's advice. See ya— Oh! And Y/n... Please go home tonight. I have someone over today and Kaoru have work," He said and I waved him off "Yeah, yeah. Just leave," I said and he sighed while ruffling my hair, "Just get back home safe,"

Reki and Langa watched as he left and then turned to me "You know him? And what does he mean by that you have to go home this time?"

"He's my brother's childhood friend together with Cherry."

"Huh?! Alright, that's it! You need to tell me who your brother is!" Reki said but I shook my head. "No," I said and he crossed his arms

"Your "S" name should be Ice Queen instead," he said and I smirked at him, "Why, thank you, slime," I said and sat my money beside my now empty bowl.

Reki glared at me as I walked out of the restaurant, "Hey wait up!" Reki yelled and grabbed my arm when I was about to skate away. "What did he mean by you need to go home?" Langa asked and I sighed "Nothing. Just leave my life out of this," I said and Reki let my arm go. "I'll see you guys at the park," I said and skated away from them. Head low.

Skate with me • Reki & Langa [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now