The soldiers who didn't take part in the mutiny were tied up, and monitored by both Nanaba's squad and fellow rebel Marleyan soldiers. Yelena and a man by the name of Onyonkapon had left the ship and headed into a tent with Levi and Hange to discuss what to do next. Aila and the rest of Levi squad were stationed outside the tent to monitor the situation, everyone sat confused. "What exactly... are they after? That big lady shot her comrades to death", Jean asked puzzled, "Who knows", Connie replied. Marco laid his head on Jean's shoulder, "Well, we can't trust them whether they're on our side or not", Jean said as he looked behind him at the glowing tents. Sasha lay sleeping on her belly, Mikasa pulled her by the ponytail, "Wake up Sasha", she demanded from her wife. Sasha groggily moved about, trying to wake up, Armin began to speak, "But... being able to talk to them.. is an incredible chance to gather intelligence". Eren frowned at his former lover's words, "Yeah... we really got lucky there. It wasn't anything WE did that kept them from landing here. If the Marleyans were serious, they would have come in force. We have to do something", Annie raised her head from Aila's lap. She let out a sigh, "Eren's right for once, Marley has the most powerful military in all of the world, other nations haven't dared to challenge them yet", everyone stared at the tents below, nervous of the results that may come. Hours passed from the conversing between the four in the tent, Levi's squad waited patiently, trying their best to stay awake. Soon, the sun rose, and Hange emerged from the tent with Levi, walking up to the others, "We have to go back to Historia and Ymir, we may have found ourselves some extremely reliable allies", Hange said as she held a scroll in her hand. Everyone got up, and returned to Mitras to discuss these new findings with the queens and the heads of the military branches. But before that, Levi pulled his squad and Nanaba's squad to the side, "Listen up, until we're sure we can trust these new soldiers, Aila's identity as the guard titan is to be kept a secret from them", everyone nodded in agreement, they knew why this was necessary, and accepted the dangers that lay ahead.

Levi and Hange brought this new information to Historia and Ymir, who then passed it down to the heads of the military, and called for a meeting between the scouts who were there during this discussion and the heads. Hange reveals that Marley has been at war with other nations due to these nations doubts of Marley's military dominance after Paradis stole three of their most powerful titans while Paradis only had two titans at the time, now having three titans after the reveal of a secret tenth titan. Nations had begun to fear Paradis more than ever now that they possessed seven of the ten titans. Hange also tells that Yelena was sent and ordered to kill their officers by Zeke Jaeger, the half brother of Eren and revealed themselves to be a group called the anti-Marleyan volunteers, and that their goal is to free the Eldian people. "Zeke Jaeger requests are as follows. Accept him onto the island of Paradis for the remainder of the time he has left. Introduce him to the soldier who possesses the founding titan, his half-brother, Eren Jaeger. In return, he will guarantee Paradis's safety, he will provide us with the latest technology, including weapons. He will act as a mediator between us and friendly nations whom he claims exist. And finally, he will provide support for intelligence activities targeting Marley, al this would be done to rescue the Eldian people, whose existence is now threatened and-", Hange was interrupted during her speech, "ABSOLUTELY NOT! WHO WOULD EVER AGREE TO SUCH A RIDICULOUS OFFER?! WE'RE DEALING WITH THE BEAST TITAN HERE! HE TURNED THE PEOPLE OF RAGAKO INTO TITANS! HE SPREAD TERROR INSIDE THE WALLS! HE'S RESPONSIBLE FOR HUNTING THE SURVEY CORPS TO NEAR EXTINCTION! AND NOW HE'S MAKING REQUESTS?!", a head of the military shouted. Premier Zackly spoke, "Their one and only goal is to retake the founding titan. If force doesn't work, they will use any other means at their disposal", commander Pixis intervened, "Our enemies must realize that as well, why don't we hear what their leader has to say?", the jury calmed down, waiting to hear more of the plan. "To continue, according to Zeke, there is still a secret plan that can be carried out that will solve all of the Eldian people's problems at once. But in order to carry out this secret plan, he needs the founding titan and a titan with royal blood. The world can be saved if we have those two things, however, he can only reveal his secret plan after these conditions are met", Hange stated. Eren's face gained a shock, just as the jury was to rule this plan out, he stood, "It's.. true".

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