A Study In Pink Pt 1

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"Most people aren't y/n y/m/n y/l/n."

The man, who I was now certain was this sherlock figure, just stared at me. He was bewildered in the same way I was- we thought we were the only ones on the outside looking in. We thought we wer ethe only ones swimming through a world of goldfish.

"Show me." He requested.

"Show you what?" I asked even though I knew his answer.

"Your deductions, if you're so good then show me." He repeated.

"Fine...you're sherlock Holmes, just moved into the apartment today but by the way you treat Mrs Hudson like your housekeeper you are obviously familiar with her and have a personal connection. It's not blood related, it's something to do with her husband, regarding his death. You clearly don't go to work and the apartment consists of one schema-your schema by the way you hold yourself in it. But you live with someone else- another man. Mrs Hudson thinks you're a couple but you're not because you only met him today. You're currently using three nicotine patches to help you focus on whatever problem you're trying to solve that involves my phone and that pink suitcase on the corner which is obviously not yours. It no wonder you don't smoke, it's too expensive to keep it up in London and the few you have left are under that human skull on your mantleplace- nicotene stances from where your fingers have touched the cranium." I rambled out at such a fast pace I was surprised he could keep up- but I had to remind myself that he wasn't a goldfish, he could absord the words that left my mouth like he was a sponge.

"Average." He stated with a smirk before turning back to my phone to finish constructing his message.

"Average! That was damming and, unlike you, I didn't have to guess: I knew." I argued lightheartedly because I knew he was impressed.

"Hm." He muttered before I turned to leave- we lived in the same building, I'd come back for my phone later and then perhaps I'd meet the other man who lived in 221b.

"Wait." Sherlock stopped me in my tracks just as I was halfway through the door frame.


"You got one thing wrong, I'm not unemployed. I'm the world's only consulting detective. I'm currently working on a case for the police and I need an assistant." He smiled at me.

"I'm no one's assistant." I informed him firmly. Who did he think he was? I just deduced the heck out of him and he was denoting me to sidekick.

"Ugh, fine. Co-detective?" He tried again. The more we spoke the more his speech seemed to ease. At first he had spoken in a monotone voice with no emotion yet now he was almost begging me to help him. Although I'm sure he would never admit to it.

"Better." I mumbled, returning to his side ready to be informed of all the happenings of his case.

"Three serial suicides and the a couple hours ago there was a fourth-this time with a note." He began, handing me a crime scene photo of a woman splayed out across a wooden floor with the word 'rache' etched in the floor in front of her.

"All same drug?" I enquired. He nodded.

"Obviously no personal relation between them otherwise it wouldn't be a police case. What's the link?" I asked further questions whilst examining more photos.

"They all have no history of mental health issues and we're found in places they had no reason to be." He answered.

"Can I look at, by the similarly alarming shade of pink, I'm pressuming this woman's case?" I requested as a fairly short, grey haired man with an abnoxiously psychosomatic limp appeared in the doorway.

"Sherlock, what is the emergency, what's happened?" The new man asked in almost panic.

"Oh, John, I needed your phone but........" He started to answer before realising he had no clue what my name was.

"y/n, nice to meet you." I filled I nthe gap, sticking my hand out to John.

"John, nice to meet you too." He smiled before we both turned back to sherlock.

".... But y/n lent me hers so I don't need it anymore." He explained. John looked looked like he was about to erupt.

"You're telling me that I just raced across London in order to lend you a phone which you don't even need anymore." He half seethed at his flatmate. Me, not wanting to get involved in their little spat, decided to take a look at the dead woman's case.

"Was there a phone in a hand bag or the body?" I enquired, pulling at the silk clothes in an attempt to reveal a mobile device.

"No so...." He begna but I interrupted. I didnt mean to be rude but its been a lifetime since I'd done this and the adrenaline that surged through my body denied my brain any slowing down.

"So the phones with the killer!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly." Sherlock affirmed my deduction.

"Whoa whoa whoa.... There's two?" John asked. I wasn't too sure whether he was questioning me and my new co-derective or if he was simply talking to himself.

"Two of what?" I enquired.

"Of him... Of you..... There's two." He elucidated.

"Well if you're quite done John, we've got a killer to catch." Sherlock interrupted his friend before pulling navy blue trench coat from the back of a chair and placing his arms through the sleeves. I had to admit- he could definitely pull it of.

"Wait, who's we?" John questioned. It seemed to me that john had a lot fo questions, but then again, as do most goldfish.

"y/n, you and I." Sherlock answered simply before I began to follow him down the stairs and to the front door while John still stood in the apartment doorway of 221b.

--In a world full of goldfish, I Found You-- A Sherlock X Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now