chapter 13

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Julies Pov:

I woke up the next morning so happy

Our gig last night was amazing

I was thinking about Luke all night

But I had to put him at the back of my head and start getting ready for school

I got up out of bed and went and got dressed and fixed my hair.

I walked downstairs

"Hi, dad and Carlos," I said seeing them sitting at the table.

"Hey, Julie are you ready for school?" My dad asked

"Yea, Flynn's going to pick me up so I gotta go," I said

I quickly grabbed an apple and walked out of the door

I see Flynn waiting outside

"Hey," I said

"Whats up Julie," She said

"Nothing much" 

"Sooooo are we going to talk about you and Luke," she said smirking

"I have no clue what you talking about," I said hiding my smile

"Sureee Julie, I'm letting it go now because I don't want to be late but we will be talking about this later," She said

We got to school and we went to my lockers

"So are you ready for music c...." I was cut off by Carrie coming up to me

I turned to look at her

"What do you want Carrie," Flynn says crossing her arms

"I just was wondering if Julie would want to have a talk with me later, please," She said not sounding mean at all

"come on Carrie what are you really here for," Flynn says

"I just   want to talk to Julie," I said

I looked over at Flynn

"Umm I will think about it, I will text you my answer," I said looking at Carrie


*Skip to the end of school*

I just got home from school and luckily I have no homework today

I walk to the studio

I open the doors and see the three boys sitting together and talking

"Hey boys," I say

Luke looks over and smiles

"Hey Jules," he says

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"We were just talking about our gig last night," Alex says stepping 

"Oh cool, Anyways I need your guy's opinions," I said sitting down next to Reggie on the couch with Luke by my feet

"Okay sure what's up," Reggie asks

"Okay so Carrie wants to talk to me about something and she sounded sincere, but she has been mean for years and I don't know if I should trust her," I said explaining the situation

"Okay so I think that you should listen to what she says and then decided from there," Alex says

"Yea I agree," Luke says

"Okay so let me text her," I say

I pull out my phone and tell her to meet me in the studio in ten minutes

"Okay she's coming over, you guys can stay if you want," I say

"Sure I'm bored I can use some drama," Reggie says sitting back putting his hand behind his head

Suddenly theirs a knock on the studio doors

"COME IN" I shout

Carrie opens the door and comes in

"Hey," she says

"Hi, so um what did you want to talk about," I ask

"so I saw your performance at the Orpheum and it was super good and I realized that I have not been the best to you all these years," she says

"Okay and..." I say 

"I wanted to apologize to you," she says

"Okay and for what," I say waiting for an answer

"Umm for being mean I guess," She said

"Well, thanks but I don't think I will be able t forgive you  right aw..." I got cut off again by my phone going off

I see Carrie look down at my phone

"What is nick doing calling you," she says now sounding mean again

"Idk," I say

"Well are you guys friends," she asked

"yea," I said

"Did he ask you out?" she asks

"Yeah but.." 

I got cut off yet again from her getting up and stomping out of the studio and slamming the door

"I said no," I said finishing my sentence

I fell back onto the couch


why does this stuff always happing to me

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