Chapter 12

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Julies pov:

We just decided that for our gig we would sing "They don't know about us" and Edge of great

We just finished having a quick practice well Flynn was watching.

I then went and sat on Lukes couch

For some reason, he yells at anyone who sits on it but not me

Maybe its because he like me

Nope probably just because I'm a girl

oh well

I looked over and Reggie just asked if he can show Flynn one of his country songs

I wanted to see this so I listened in

"Please no one else wants to listen to it," Reggie says

Flynn laughs "Sure"

Wait what

I thought she would roast him or something

"YES" Reggie screamed and ran out of the studio with Flynn following him

I looked over at Luke and Alex and Alex was talking about something and Luke had his head in his hand looking like he wanted to explode

I walked over and sat next to Luke

"Hey, Luke are you Okay?" I asked

He looked up and shook his head "Help me"

"with what?" I asked

"Alex has been talking about Willie for the past twenty-minute," Luke says 

I laughed

I grabbed luke and pulled him into a hug

"Aww is Luke mad that he's single"

"No, I'm perfectly fine Julies," He said sounding Grumpy

I laughed

I looked at my time and saw that there were only forty-five minutes till our gig

I got up 

"Okay we have to go soon so I'm gonna go get ready"

I went into my house and put on one plaid black and white pants and a blue shirt.

I put on some makeup and fixed my hair

I walked down the stair

"Byeee dad I'm going"

"Okay I love you, Good luck" My dad called from the kitchen

I walked into the studio and saw Flynn and Reggie back

"Hey Flynn did you like Reggies song," I asked

"Actually yeah it was pretty good," Flynn said

I looked and Saw Reggie Blush'

I wanted to say something but I was gonna wait because I know this will go somewhere

"Okay anyways are you all ready to go," I said looking at Luke and Alex

I then realized that me and Luke were practically matching

I laughed

"What?" Alex asked

"nothing, me and Flynn will meet you their okay," I said walking out of the studio with Flynn


We got to the place and it was packed

I guess after the Orpheum we got a lot more fans

I was getting a little nervous but then the boys poofed in

"You ready Jules?" Luke asked

I looked up into his eyes that I could get lost in

"Yeah," I said

I then walked onto the stage and started playing They don't know about us

This was more of a slower song but we were going to see if people liked it

After I sang a bit the guys poofed in

This whole song I mostly stayed at the piano so there was not much moving around

But now comes Edge of great

The guys were gone and once again I was the only one on stage

I started playing 

When the guys poof in

The crowd erupts with cheers

I smile 

It was the time I was on the piano and Luke was gonna do his riff

He walked over to me and leaned back onto the piano

He quickly rests his head on my shoulder with caused Tons of screams

He then goes back to his mic

It was the end and I sat back on the Piano I heard Reggie and Alex poof out

I then see Luke come and sit next to me

He starts singing into my microphone

We are looking into each other's eyes

I just stare and I swear at the last second before he poofs out he looks at my lips

Nope Julie you're imagining this 


Well actually

I don't know


I try no to show anything

I get up and bow

I turned around to get off stage and I see Lukes eyes on mine

I stare back

I guess I got caught in the moment because the Next thing I know I get pulled off the stage by Flynn

"Girl you are falling so hard for Luke," Flynn says but quiet enough so only I can hear

I blush

"Maybeeeee," I say trying o hide my huge grin on my face right now

I see Alex Reggie and Luke come over

"THAT WAS GREAT," Reggie says/screams

"I know," Alex says laughing

I laugh and Looks over at Luke and he was laughing but they bit his lip

I swear that makes me melt

He does not know him biting his lip affects me so much

I stop staring because it may look kinda weird so I Try to find Flynn

I finally find her but she is laughing about something with Reggie

I swear they may be my new favorite ship even tho they may not like each other

* There was no drama in this chapter but don't worry I have Like 3 different problems/Drama coming up soon*

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