Chapter 8

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Lukes pov:

"Guys GUYS what's happing"

"I think we're crossing over," Alex said looking up with tears in his eyes

"NO NO" I screamed

"We can't cross over, we can't leave," Reggie says 

"Hold on how are we even crossing over," Alex says

"I may be wrong but I think lukes unfinished business had something to do with his parents," Reggie says

"But them why are you too crossing over," I asked

" Maybe because all of our souls are connected then that means when one of us crosses over then we all do," Reggie says.

"How are you being so smart right now," Alex says sitting down

"Guys what about Julie, we can't even say goodbye," I said 

"I don't know," Reggie said

"I can't say bye to Willie, I cant tell him how I feel about him," Alex says

I lookup 

"Congrats Alex you finally admit it," I say


I could not believe it

This was all of our breaking points

We could not leave but we did not have a choice

I looked up and Reggie was becoming more and more transport


"Guys what happing" Reggie asks looking scared

He suddenly is gone

"REGGIE" I scream

I look over and it's happening to Alex it


I was in tears

I looked at myself 

it was happing

I quickly took my beanie off and throw it on the studio ground

suddenly everything was black

When I finally opened my eyes I was in a place I had never seen before

I looked beside me and there were Reggie and Alex also opening their eyes

"Guys" "Where are we," I asked

"I have no idea," Alex says

"We must be in heaven," I say coming to my senses

"Unless we are in hell," Reggie says joking

"Reggie not the time for jokes," Alex says standing up

I look around

I start seeing random people 

"Guys maybe we can ask someone," I say

"Well can we talk to people," Reggie asks

"And he's back," Alex says "Reggie are we not talking to each other right now"

"Ohhh yeah," Reggie says laughing then also standing up

I then look behind me

I see a wall with tons of boxes

"Guys what's this," I ask pointing to the wall

Juke~perfect harmonyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن