chapter 2 gone

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Hi! This chapter entails quiet a bit of heartbreak for Adrian emotionally so get ready for the feels....😥 *steps on a lago* OWWW! DUDE! WHAT THE CHEESE!!😡 oooo cheese..I love cheese.. anyway on with the story!😊

Adrian's pov


that was something I can never have back and I think it was just hitting me... I lost her, and I can never get her back... because she's gone.... or dead.


My day went bye fast and slow at the same time, I can't really explain it. The hole day I just kept zoning out, I felt so dizzy. And still do, school is almost over, thankfully, for once I can't wait to go back to the mansion...

I didn't really talk to anyone today but Nino when he asked me if I was okay, all I did was plaster my model smile, but truly I was hoping that he would notice.

Natalie informed me that me father wanted to talk to me, this can't be anything but bad, he never talks to me. And if he does its just about my career.

Within the next few minutes we got back to the mansion I found my self at my father's office door...and all I could do was nock.

"Come in" of course that's all your going to say, no how you been son.. I walked in the door and left it open. "Father, you wanted to talk to me" I said, "yes. Why is it that I here from your teacher and not from you that you have not been paying attention in class."

Of course that's all he wanted to talk about. I thought. "Well like I said this morning, I was not feeling myself today" I knew he wanted more of an answer.

"Even so I would appreciate if you would not embarrass me or the company, or I WILL pull you out of school" Gabriel said.

embarrass him! That's what he's worried about! All he cares about is work! "Embarrass the company! So your worried about the company and not your son!" I was trying to keep calm, but I just couldn't keep this in.

"Adrian! I am your father, you have no right to talk to me this way!" That's it! "All I am is an object to you! Mom was right your nothing but a heart less, selfish monster!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" That was the last thing he said to me be for he slapped me across the face. " gasp! ....Well...I understand your position perfectly well mr. agreste... now if you don't mind I will excuse myself to my room"

after that I didn't hear anything all I did was run to my room and slam the door, I started Gathering a few things and putting them into my bag, plagg tried to reason with me but my mind was made up, I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back.

without Mom here there's no reason.... that man, is not my father..

Gabriel POV

"Adrian!" What was I thinking why did I slap him why did I say that Gabriel thought "...Natalie...." Natalie cut me off before I could say anything else I might regret

"Don't you Natalie me Gabriel, do you realize what you just did? that boy has been hurting ever since his mother died, you may not see through your own pain but he's broken Gabriel. and you just broke him more..." I knew Natalie was right, what was I thinking I slapped my own son, he probably hates me, correction he does hate me.

"Gabriel. as your assistant but mostly as your friend, and for the good of you and your son, I suggest you apologize." Natalie's face was dead serious, but mine was full of worry and I knew hers was to. Adrian is like a son to her even though she never admitted it to me I knew. I just didn't know what to do.

"But I " again Natalie cut me off "no but's Gabriel...go apologize, now" now I knew she was serious and trust me you don't want to get in the way of Natalie and her Wrath, all I could do was simply Run for the door up to my son's bedroom.

when I flung the door open I didn't see him I looked in his closet and his bathroom, up the stairs, under his bed he was nowhere. I turned around to see Natalie in the doorway looking at me with a face of worry while mine was frantic.

"Natalie... he's gone" that was all I can get to come out of my mouth Natalie looked shocked but mostly worried.

" Gabriel...look.." I turned around to see one of Adrian's windows wide open, and then a realization hit me.. he ran away... and it was my fault.... " what have I done"


Well that's dramatic hope you like it I love drama and surprisingly morbid stuff but yeah that's just how the cookie crumbles but anyways I hope you guys liked it I'll catch you next time bye!



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