chapter 1 tired

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Hello this is my first miraculous ladybug story I really hope you like it this is a really heartbreaking story about Adrien and Marinette I really hope you like it.

                                             On with the story....


                                               Marinette's POV

Our story starts beautiful Friday morning with Tiki screaming in Marinette ear to get up or she will be late for school.

" Marinette wake up you're going to be late for school again!" Tikki yelled trying to get the poor girl out of bed, she's been late to School these past weeks and she can't afford another day

"5 more.... minutes....wait.. oh no! I'm going to be late again!!"
Marinette jumped out of bed only to see Tiki scowling at her

"girl you really have to have better time management your alarms been ringing for the past 30 minutes!" She said.

" I'm sorry Tiki but I don't have time to argue, I have to get to school like now!"

She got dressed and got her things ready for school, and motioned for Tikki to fly in her bag. She ran downstairs, not bothering to say goodbye to her parents and fled to her school.

She got there just in time to everyone sitting down in their seats Miss bustier didn't know that she was late cuz she was used to it,

but Marinette noticed Adrian didn't look so good he looked really tired and he had dark circles under his eyes and he was just blankly staring at the paper in front of him....he almost looked...sick.

He didn't even notice her walk by, almost like it was in a world of his own trapped in his own mind.

She sat down next to Alya and tried to dismiss the thought, but when physics class rolled around she knew something was definitely wrong.

Adrian loves physics, and he was barely paying attention in class at all. that wasn't like him.

" yo, bro...duuude... dude!" Nino tried to snap Adrian out of his trance. But from the looks of it and it wasn't working.

Adrian looked over Nino he only put on his model smile and tried to act like his normal self, but something was wrong. and Marinette was determined to find out.

                                                 Adrian POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night I had several nightmares about my mother how she died and what happened to her why she left and if she's alive... if

And to top it all off I think I might be coming down with something I could hardly breathe last night just another thing keeping me awake

I'm going to ask father if I can stay home even if I know he'll just say no, but the least I can do is try.

I walk through the halls of my cold mansion and came to stand in front of my father's office door I knocked once and him in response for me to come in.

"Father? Can I speak with you." I said and again you didn't speak but hummed in response. "I was wondering if I could stay home from school.. could cancel my activities for the day? Now this compelled him to speak and I knew it wasn't good

"why would I do such a thing Adrian." And that was my father's cold response. I knew him well enough to know this isn't good and he's not going to allow it, but I might as well try.

" well... I just wasn't feeling myself today, and I was just wondering if I could stay in the mansion?" I'm an idiot I can't believe I'm asking in this he's just going to say no.

"Adrian.. you know I cannot cancel your activities for today. nor tomorrow or the day after, go get ready for school" that was all my father said before looking back down at his papers and continuing my response was the usual again "yes Father..... why do I even try" I mumbled that last part to myself as I got in the car and we left.

we were on our way to school and I saw a familiar raven haired girl running out from her Bakery but really, at that moment I didn't care the only thing I was thinking about was my mother.

how much I missed much I wished I could see her smile, hear her laugh be a family again...

that was something I can never have back and I think it was just hitting me... I lost her, and I can never get her back... because she's gone.... or dead.

Well that's all for today I hope you liked it and I will be back in about I don't know depends on how lazy I am for now I am out by!

Well that's all for today I hope you liked it and I will be back in about I don't know depends on how lazy I am for now I am out by!

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Just because she was adorable!

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