19. Making Amends

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Shen Wei's gaze dodged from Yunlan's mischievously smiling face to the newspaper advertisement, and then back to the face. His mind panicked by the prospects of having Zhao Yunlan as his flatmate.

 His mind panicked by the prospects of having Zhao Yunlan as his flatmate

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"I...I ..." Shen Wei stuttered, this time out of panic, "I...this... You..."

"What?" Yunlan had already strolled in, looking around at the apartment while Shen Wei was still trying to process the unexpected presence, "I won't drink or smoke, certainly won't bring girls, will not have parties when you are not around and will pay the rent on time. You can double the rent if you want."

Yunlan turned and gave Shen Wei another mischievous grin, Wei was left speechless.

"I... I can't... Yunlan," Shen Wei somehow managed to get his voice back and tried to form a coherent sentence which failed miserably. Zhao Yunlan got the point, nonetheless.

Yunlan sighed. He knew it was not going to be easy, but he came all prepared.

Take 1 scene 2 aaand... ACTION!

He fake scoffed

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He fake scoffed. Wei raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"I understand if you don't want me as your roommate," Yunlan got into the character, he dramatically breathed in deep, "Ye Zun too did not want me in his life..."

Yunlan felt pathetic to go for such a low blow but sometimes circumstances require you to stoop low and Yunlan was ready to stoop the lowest to fix his mistakes.

And his shot had hit the mark. The innocent and pure-hearted Shen Wei was already feeling bad. He looked at the hurt face of Yunlan.

"It's okay. I'll... I'll leave. Seems like I deserve this lonely life," he scoffed and even managed a fake droplet of tear, "where no one wants me."

His performance was so convincing, Shen Wei was drowning in guilt.

"And the Oscar goes to..."

Leonardo DiCaprio braces himself, trying to keep the happy tears trapped within the eyelashes, a broad smile on his face.

"Zhao Yunlan!"

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