Settling in

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A/n: thank you for continuing this story. Let me know what you want to see.
Your eyes slowly opened and you realised you were in the avengers building, in your own bed. As much as you loved being here, a part of you missed hydra, they basically raised you. You sat up way too fast and you could see multicoloured spots at the edges of your vision and began to feel light headed.
Ohhh. You haven't eaten in over 24 hours and whatever was in that serum Bruce gave you yesterday, did not have a good effect of your headaches. You swung your bruised legs over the side of the bed and made your way to hallway. You were certain the other rooms were bedrooms.
" Thor. Thor you up yet?" You called.
A room a little down the hallway opened and a very tired Thor poked his head out the door.
" hey, why are you up so early?"
" i was hungry and i normally had to wake up this early."
" well ill show you to the kitchen. And you had to wake up at 6 every morning?"
" yeah, i guess that's not normal?"
" it's not for me. Maybe for nat. Oh um Natasha, you will meet her soon." He gave you a reassuring smile.
Down the hallway and to the left was what looked like a common room. A huge kitchen and a sofa area, with floor to ceiling windows. This was more than impressive. Thor opened a cabinet close to the ceiling that only he would be able to reach and pulled out a box of pop tarts.
" these are my prised possessions, you can have some but only today as your new."
You gave him a weak smile as he opened the box and put two into the toaster.
" what even are pop tarts?"
He looked offended almost, you felt bad.
" Thor don't over react, she's been in captivity for years. Leave the poor girl alone." A voice behind you said. You turned around to see tony stark standing right in front of you. Everyone knew who tony stark was, even someone who's been and undercover assassin for over ten years.
" I'm tony, by the way. But i assume you know that, according to the look on your face."
" oh yeah, sorry for staring. Also sorry for almost blowing up one of your bomb factories a while back." You started.
" wait that was you, how do you remember?" He asked a bit annoyed.
" I didn't know i was doing it. I used to have nightmares of random stuff that happened while I was brainwashed. Again really sorry."
" its okay kid."
Pop. You turned around sharply, surprised as to what the sound was.
" pop tarts are done." Thor almost squealed.
He took then out and put them on and handed them to you. They looked strange. You lifted one up cautiously and brought it to your mouth. After only taking one bite, an array of flavours filled your mouth and you let out a small moan at how good it tasted.
" you might wanna save them noises for later" a female voice said. A tall woman with short red hair stared at you and winked as she walked to the sofa, sitting next to tony.
" that's Natasha, just call her nat" Thor said.
You went to sit on the sofa, further away from tony and nat and finished your pop tarts.
By the time you had finished your pop tarts, you had met Sam, Steve, Wanda, vision, pepper, Clint and Loki and Bruce came into the common room as well. You brought your plate to the sink and started to wash it when Bucky came in. Your head snapped up and he caught your gaze.
" y/n?" He said, his voice wavering slightly.
" hey buck?" You ran to him and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso, resting your head in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist.
" i cant believe you're here, alive. What are you doing here?"
" Thor saved me from section 134. What happened you left, i had no one?" You said with tears streaming down your face.
" i know, i know I'm sorry." He ran his fingers through your h/c hair.
" want to explain this" Loki said sharply. You stepped back from Bucky, hit him right across the face and stomped to sit next to Loki on the sofa.

"We were close, we had only each other when we were with hydra. He would cam me down after nightmares and i would snap him out of his trances. He left for a mission and he never came back. He just left me" you choked.
" I didn't mean to. They sent me to Russia, then here and Steve found me. I never wanted to leave you. So i helped them uncover hydra. I went on as many missions as possible to find you." He said while his face started to bruise slightly.
" well, you had a good reason to slap him. I know I've wanted to for a while" Loki chuckled next to you. You gave him a sad smile. There was something about him that interested you.
Bucky walked over to sit on the other side of you and held your hand gently.
" god, y/n your so skinny, didn't they feed you properly." Bucky asked gently.
" not really. After you left they started experimenting on me. Since they didn't need me in the field, they didn't feed me as much." You said sadly.
" well, we'll fatten you up and get your magic under control" tony said trying to lighten the mood.
" oh yeah, Loki when do we start?"
" as soon as you'd wish" he smirked.
" cut it out Loki, she's like a sister to me, if you touch her i will kill you" Bucky tightened his grip on your hand making you wince slightly.
"Woah. Calm down buck." You placed a hand on his and Loki's chest softly pushing them apart.
Bucky looked at you and you could see anger and regret in his eyes. He stood up and left.
" I'm going get nat to get some clothes with you y/n. Then when you get back you can start training." Tony sympathised.
Nat had given you jeans and a t-shirt and tony had given you his card. He told you to enjoy yourself.
Nat had taken you to a giant shopping centre. You went in more shops than you cared to learn the names for. By lunch time, you had an outfit for every occasion. Nat took you for some lunch at a fast food place. She said it would fill you up.
When you got back Thor told you that Loki was waiting in the training room for you. You rushed to your room and got changed into leggings and a black t-shirt. You met Loki in the training room. Thor was sitting in the corner eyeing you carefully as if you were about to explode.
Loki reached for your wrist and you pulled back.
" y/n. The cuff" you looked down to your wrist.
" oh yeah" he gently unlocked it letting his cold fingers lingering.
" ok that's enough just get to it" Thor said obviously annoyed. Loki probably did something to set him off. He hand dropped yours and he cleared his throat.
" so, what normally sets your powers off"
" when i get injured or really emotional. But it comes and goes."
" ok well i think you've been through enough emotional today wit what happened with Bucky. And i obviously don't want to hurt you. You have a lot of bruises, so if you press them, it might hurt enough to set them off " you agreed reluctantly.
You found a fresh one on your ribs and pressed on it. You winced and you eyes watered.
" i cant do it, you will have to" you said.
" no i cant do that. I wont"
" come one, you want to help, don't you"
" of course, but i don't to hurt you"
You reached for his hand and brought it to your ribs that quite obviously showed.
You winced but pressed his hand harder. He tried to pull away but you looked into his eyes and gave him a look that said 'don't you dare'.
He pressed onto your rib cage reluctantly and you gripped onto his shoulders wincing.
You felt blood rush through your veins and your eyes turning purple. Loki took a step back and stared into your now purple eyes, examining them. A rush of blood went straight to your head.
" LOKI THE CUFF" you screamed but it was too late. He was blasted backwards and you fell to your knees screaming in pain. You couldn't register what was going on. Only that Thor ran to you and Loki stood walking towards you.
" y/n. Look at me. Breathe calm down. You have to clam down." Loki said obviously in pain.
A shot of pain raced down your back. You turned around and saw Thor with what look like a taser. Then everything went black.
You woke up in what looked like a hospital, the cuff wrapped tightly around your wrist.
Shit. What happened.
An aching pain raced through your head.
" hey you're awake" you turned your head to the left to see a very shirtless Loki. Bruce was wrapping a bandage around his torso.
" omg. Did i do that, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Shi-"
" calm down I'm fine. It's just a scratch"
" obviously it isn't if you need a bandage, i thought you could heal yourself. What have i done?"
" i can but your magic is so similar to mine that i can't. It's not that big of a cut anyway. Just bleeding a bit."
" okay. I'm really sorry, i did tell you to get away." You rolled your eyes at his stupidity.
"Since when do i listen. Y/n, you paying attention" you snapped your eyes from his slim but muscular torso to his face. You felt blood rush to your cheeks and you blushed furiously.
" well I'm all patched up. Thanks Bruce. Ill see you both later." A flash of green covered him and he was back in his clothes. He reached the door, turned around, winked at you and left.
" can you not keep it pg" Bruce laughed.
" its not my fault, so how bad was it?" You asked reluctantly.
" there was more damage to you than anything or anyone in the room. But Loki begged me to let him heal you."
You were blushing again. Why did he help you? 
" you can leave but you have to be careful"
" thanks Bruce"
" your welcome, just get some food in you."
" okay I'll see you later" you got up slowly and left the medical wing. You took the elevator to your floor, with the common room and the bedrooms.
You walked into your room and saw a present on your bed. There was a card.
Hey kid.
Hope you're feeling better,
Here's a little welcoming gift
You opened the box and found a phone that had already been set up for you. According to the time on it, you were only out for an hour or so. You smiled to yourself and silently thanked tony. You went into the bathroom connected to your room, peeled the sweaty clothes off of you and got into the hot shower. It felt nice to finally have some standard hospitality, but this was beyond perfect.

After your shower you wrapped your self in a towel and walked out of your room to see Loki sitting on your bed reading.
" what are you doing in here?" You tried to cover your self more but nothing worked.
" i just wanted to see if your okay" he said snapping up from his book, blushing slightly.
" yes I'm fine. Thank you for healing me and checking up on me. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to get changed." You dragged him off of your bed and pushed him towards your door.
" alright I'm leaving" he shut your door gently on his way out.
You sighed in relief and found some baggy pj's.

After getting changed you walked towards the kitchen, bumping into Bucky.

"Hey" he said softly.
" hi"
" I'm sorry for getting angry earlier, I couldn't stand the thought of him hurting you. I was just on my way to check up on you. I heard what happened."
" oh yeah. I'm fine now. Loki actually helped me a lot."
" well that's a relief" he sighed.
" i was about to get some food, you want some."
" always" he smiled and followed you to the kitchen.

You grabbed some bread, cheese and some butter. You grabbed a pan and started making a grilled cheese. Bucky poured some orange juice for you both. Afterwards you made your way to the sofa and you and Bucky started eating.
" damn y/n. You're a chef. This is amazing."
" well. It's my first time so imagine how good it would be with practise."
Loki walked in.
" i cant even imagine, doll" Bucky said.
" hey" Loki said from behind you.
" oh hey, come sit. Bucky was just complementing my amazing chef skills" you explained.
" ah" he sat next to you.
You spent the rest of the day in your room, trying to figure out how to work your phone.

A voice said" miss y/n. Mr stark has called you for dinner. I'm J.A.R.V.I.S, Mr Starks A.I."
You slowly got off your bed and made your way to the common room and found everyone waiting for you in the seating area.
" tony, there was a voice. Called J.A.R.V.I.S or something. Also thank you so much for this phone. It took me all day to figure out how to use it."
" you're very welcome. I had J.A.R.V.I.S call you for dinner because I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know your back ground"
You tensed as flashbacks of being in that awful place played in your mind.
" i don't think that's gonna happen for a while" Bucky said, guiding your shaking body to the sofa.
Loki looked obviously tense and jealous, you decided to ignore it. Bucky passed you a plate of pasta and a fork. You took it, ate and listened in on some conversations happening around you. Loki however just stayed quiet, he didn't eat , he just read.
" you okay y/n" nat asked abruptly.
" oh yeah, just not used to this much food."
" well you better. You're like a stick." Wanda chirped in.
You gave a small smile and finished your meal in silence.
" well I'm extremely tired, I'm going to bed." You announced, placing your plate in the sink and heading off to bed.
Once in your bed, you fell asleep almost immediately.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now