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After Obi-Wan left, Ahsoka was still on board the Sundered Heart, which was on course to the planet Alderaan. On the medical bay, she sat on one of the empty medical beds as she watched over baby Leia in her peaceful slumber.

She was still processing everything that's happened. The Jedi being hunted down and the sacking of the Jedi Temple, Anakin's fall to the dark side and him killing younglings mercilessly, the Republic turning into the Empire, and Padme carrying and giving birth to Anakin's children—especially this.

Ahsoka knew about Anakin and Padme's unusual relationship, but she did not anticipate that it went as far as marriage and having children. She knew they deeply care about each other to the point where she thought they could've been together if not for their duties to the Republic Senate and the Jedi Order.

They reminded Ahsoka of herself and Lux Bonteri, a Jedi and a Senator. They deeply care about each other and would look out for each others' backs. And maybe, just maybe, it might've developed to love, and Lux might have kissed her a few times, but in her case, those things were forbidden. The Jedi Order had a no attachment rule, and despite her growing feelings towards the young senator of Onderon, she had to abide by the code of the Order. It also meant that they couldn't be more than friends.

That was what she thought Anakin and Padme's relationship was like. So when Ahsoka left the Jedi Order and Anakin finally accepting her choice to leave, he told her, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order. She understood what he meant and replied, I know.

And now, well, Ahsoka finally understood the Jedi's no attachment rule. It's dangerous how one can sacrifice others for the people they love and care for. That the brightest Jedi Knight—the chosen one—would fall so hard, and be consumed by fear, anger, and hatred.

At that point, baby Leia had started crying, so Ahsoka had to pick her up and gently rock her back to sleep.

She then glanced out at the transparisteel viewports in the medical bay and saw that they were entering the atmosphere of Alderaan. The snow-capped mountains and patches of green grassy hills then came into view as they were approaching one of the landing platforms of the Royal Palace in the planet's capital city of Aldera.

"This will be your new home now, Leia." Ahsoka softly told the baby as she went back to sleep. "Recklessness is in your blood, so try not to cause trouble while you're here."

Ahsoka carried the infant Leia as she followed Senator Bail Organa into the palace. They eventually arrived in the Monarch's Chambers and the Queen, Breha Organa was out on the balcony overlooking the mountains.

Bail approached the queen with a smile on his face and gestured to Ahsoka.

She curtsied in respect before handing the baby to them.

"Her name is Leia," Ahsoka said. "You're her new family now."

The queen was surprised and turned to her husband, who only nodded in encouragement. She took the baby from Ahsoka and gently rocked her. The senator then cooed at the baby, and that's when she decided to give them their space.

Ahsoka once again bowed in respect before leaving. She took one last look at baby Leia with her new parents and managed a smile. It may not happen for years, but she knew that this baby girl will change the course of the entire galaxy.

. . .

Obi-Wan flew Grievous' fighter to Nar Shaddaa, one of Nal-Hutta's moons, mainly to avoid suspicions.

Nar Shaddaa bore a resemblance to the lower levels of Coruscant, except for its very high crime rate and was prominently dominated by bounty hunters and Hutt crime lords.

Obi-Wan did what he had to do and sold the fighter. He was just receiving payment when baby Luke started to cry out again.

"Looks like your kid's hungry." The man who bought the fighter said. "Better feed him fast or the people around here's gonna get annoyed. You know how this place is."

Obi-Wan hushed Luke and rocked him gently. "You know babies?" He asked.

"I've handled a few." The man admitted. "But that's not what I'm talking about."

Obi-Wan got his point. Nar Shaddaa is full of criminals, who mostly use blasters to either get what they want or to silence someone. He knew better than to stick around and get noticed so he got some blue milk for the baby and booked a passage to Tatooine.

En route to Tatooine, Obi-Wan reflected on everything that had happened. He had not expected that Anakin, his former padawan would have fallen so hard. And when he did, Obi-Wan had doubted his master, Qui-Gon Jinn's claim of him being the chosen one.

He knew of Anakin's attachment to Padme since before the Clone wars started, but he never knew it went that far. It was like Obi-Wan himself with the Mandalorian Duchess, Satine Kryze. They love and care for each other, but their obligations from their different causes and beliefs prevented them from being together. Plus, the Jedi Order had the no attachment rule. Anakin knew that and he was sure Ahsoka did too—Obi-Wan had seen her around that young senator from Onderon, and it was exactly the way he was with Satine back in his days as a padawan tasked to protect a politician.

By the time Obi-Wan found out the real truth, it was too late. Anakin had fallen, Padme's belly was growing, and it was only a matter of time before the consequences of their action get the better of them. Then the baby Padme was carrying turned out to be babies. Twins.

Yoda had suggested to separate them for the Sith to be not alerted of their presence, and that's what they did. Ahsoka took the baby girl to Alderaan and be adopted by the Organas, while Obi-Wan took the baby boy with him and he's on his way to the boy's new family, the Larses on Tatooine.

Upon arrival at the desert planet, Obi-Wan bought an eopie and it became his primary transport. He didn't know where the Larses lived, so he decided to ask for directions and went inside a cantina.

The Duros bartender regarded Obi-Wan with his large, red eyes and then at the bundle he was carrying. "Hey, this isn't a nursery." He said.

"I just need some directions," Obi-Wan said. "And a bit of blue milk if you have it." He added.

After Obi-Wan got what he needed, he went on his way. He had come to know that the Larses were moisture farmers and that their homestead was located on the Great Chott salt flat, south of the Jundland Wastes.

The two people living there, Owen and Beru Lars were home and were initially preparing for nightfall when he arrived. Owen Lars is Anakin's stepbrother and his only other family left, so naturally, he would be his nephew's guardian.

Beru Lars was the one who greeted him and was overjoyed when Obi-Wan gave her the baby. He had to explain that his parents died at the end of the Clone wars and that they were his new family now.

"His name is Luke," Obi-Wan informed. "You're his family now."

Beru promised to look after the baby and raise the boy as their own. She then walked over to Owen, who was standing by the ridge near their homestead. Owen smiled as he cooed at his nephew. The Larses then watched the twin suns set on the horizon.

Obi-Wan managed a smile as he looked on at them, thinking and hoping that someday this young boy, together with his sister, will save the galaxy.

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