Trouble at the Temple

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Ahsoka felt a disturbance in the force. Something about the Jedi Temple in flames and bodies of Jedi from younglings to masters plastered on the halls.

Sensing her fellow Jedi and friends in danger, she went back to the temple only to see that it had clone troopers, 501st Legion Clone Troopers, guarding all entrances.

Ever since she was framed for murder, she'd always tried avoiding clone troopers, so she went for the vents and came out on the temple's Accommodation Sector.

All seemed quiet until someone, with a lightsaber wielded in hand, literally ran into her and they both stumbled to the floor.

"Hey, watch where you're—" Ahsoka started to say. She was surprised to see a young boy running out and about at this late hour. Judging from the braid slapping behind his right ear, he's a Padawan learner. "What's wrong? Why are you still up?" She asked.

"We need to get out!" The young Jedi said in a panic. "They're everywhere!"

"Everywhere?" Ahsoka asked. "What are you talking about? What's going on?" She said, trying to calm him down.

"Clones." The boy said as he deactivated his lightsaber. "They started marching inside the temple, and...and fired at every Jedi they could see."

"What?" Ahsoka asked as if she'd misheard. "That's ridiculous." She shook her head. "The clones are our allies. They would never do that."

"After what I saw, I don't think they are anymore." The boy said.

"Just calm down," Ahsoka said, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's going to be alright. I'm Ahsoka, by the way. What's your name?" She asked.

"Zett." The boy said. "Zett Jukassa."

Ahsoka tried to assure the boy, Zett that everything's fine until two clones spotted them.

"Jedi!" One of the clones exclaimed.

Zett and Ahsoka stopped in their tracks.

"Blast them!" The other said.

Ahsoka held an arm protectively before the boy. "Zett, get behind me." She ignited her lightsaber.

Zett was obviously still in shock because he remained frozen.

"Zett," Ahsoka said urgently.

Zett ran and hid behind a pillar just behind Ahsoka.

Ahsoka turned to the two clones. "Troopers, stand down." She ordered.

The clones started firing and she deflected their blaster shots.

"Good soldiers follow orders." The first clone murmured as if in trance.

"Must kill Jedi scum." The second one added.

They kept firing until she had to kill them by deflecting their shot back to them.

She approached the two fallen clones.

"I don't understand," Ahsoka said as she examined the two clones. "Why would they do this?" She asked.

Zett knelt beside her. "I told you, they were trying to kill us."

"Some of these clones were my friends." Ahsoka pointed. "They wouldn't just kill us...unless someone told them to." She turned to the boy. "You're right, we need to get help and get out of here."

Ahsoka and Zett made their way to the nearest exit, but it was crowded with clone troopers.

They hid behind a pillar.

"There's no way we can outrun them," Ahsoka said. "That's probably one platoon guarding the entrance. All we need is some sort of distraction."

Zett pointed at the horizon. "Look!"

Suddenly, Speeder landed on a platform just outside the entrance. A man in senatorial apparel stepped out of the Speeder.

"Senator Bail Organa?" She said, as soon as she recognized him. "What is he doing here at dawn?" She asked in disbelief.

. . .

The city planet is covered in a hazy glow as a column of black smoke can be seen rising in the distance. The Jedi Temple is on fire. Large plumes of smoke billow toward the sky as Bail Organa landed his Speeder on a Jedi Temple platform.

Clones lowered their guns as Bail Organa walked toward them.

"What's going on here?" Bail asked the clones.

"There's been a rebellion." A Clone Sergeant said. "Don't worry, sir, the situation is under control."

The Senator tried to enter the Temple but the clones blocked his way.

"I'm sorry, sir." The Clone Sergeant said. "No one is allowed entry."

Bail insisted and tried to step forward but the clones point their guns at him.

"It's time for you to leave, sir." The Clone said.

Bail sighed. "And so it is." He reluctantly headed back toward his Speeder.

. . .

"This is our distraction, Ahsoka," Zett whispered. He took his lightsaber from his belt.

"Wait," Ahsoka grabbed his arm. "What are you going to do?" She asked.

"We have to get out of here," Zett said. "That senator may be our way out of here."

"No," Ahsoka insisted. "You'll only get yourself killed. You don't stand a chance against those clones, they're too many of them."

"Well, we have to act now, while the clones are distracted," Zett suggested. He ignited his lightsaber. "It's now or never." Then he charged.

"Zett, wait!" Ahsoka called, but Zett already slashed at the nearest clone. She had no choice. She drew her lightsaber and followed him.

. . .

Suddenly, several blaster shots rang out. Bail turned and saw two Jedi, a young boy, and a young Togruta girl. He didn't know the boy, but he recognized the Togruta. He'd seen her a few times at the Senate building alongside her master. Ahsoka Tano. She and the boy were fighting the clones with their lightsabers.

Several more clones joined in the fight, followed by the Clone Commander, Appo, who pointed at the senator.

"Get him!" Appo ordered. "Shoot him!"

Several clones started firing at Bail. The Senator jumped for cover behind his Speeder. He took out his blaster and tried to turn on the speeder's engine.

The two Jedi deflected blaster shots that killed several clones, including the clone commander, Appo.

Then the boy lost his guard and a shot hit him. He dropped to the floor.

"No!" Ahsoka and Bail screamed at the same time.

Ahsoka yelled in rage, then started slashing her lightsaber at the clones. After the clones were taken care of, Ahsoka knelt next to Zett. She checked for his pulse, but there was none.

Ahsoka stroke Zett's hair, and bowed her head down.

Bail Organa went out from behind his speeder and approached the young padawan. He put a hand on her shoulder. "We need to get you out of here before more clones find you."

Ahsoka looked up and nodded. She stood and pulled the hood of her cloak down to cover her face.

They hopped into the Speeder and took off.

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