Chapter 9

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Leo is being pulled back by the doctor. Cecily's father jump from his bed and tackles Cecily to the ground. Cecily can hear Leo's muffled screams. But she can't do anything. Her father has both her arms pinne down. She tries kicking him, but someone else comes to hold her legs down. The commotion is loud, but Cecily's father screams for order. Someone covers Cecily's mouth.

"CECILY! Calm. Down. Listen to me or die. I didn't want it to come down to this. So you better damn listen to me! Got it? Stay away from him! Or he dies!" Cecily's eyes well up with tears. This can't be real. She squeezes her eyes shut trying to wake up from a dream that doesn't exist.

When she opens them, surely enough, she's still pinned down, stil raging with fear and anger, but she can't do anything. She's helpless. Does she heed his warning, or go on with life pretending that this never happenned? Or will she die?

 Cecily's father let's her go and commands the others to also. She turns around and sees that Leo isn't there. She begins to panic and cry. She turns to her father and tackles him, but he's too strong. He grasps her into a hug and begins to calm her.

"I need everyone to give us a moment." Cecily pounds against her father's chest making his words vibrate out of his mouth. Everyone leaves as they were commanded. Cecily's father puts Cecily in a seat and pulls out a knife.

"Kill me you bastard. I dare you." Cecily's father makes a shocked face.

"I would never kill you. You're my daughter." Cecily is furious.

"You didn't mind killing everyone else in that car accident, did you? No? Or maybe that wasn't an aaccident after all." Cecily's father takes a step back and lands on his bed.

"Cecily..I have a lot to tell you."

"You're damn right. Where's Leo?"

"Leo's fine. Don't worry about him."

"Not good enough. I want to see him after we're done here." Cecily's father squeezes his nose and sighs.

"You don't understand. Damn, Cecily! I thought you could take a hint!" Cecily's still trying to get over the fact that she's having a conversation with her father of whom two days ago was a vegetable slowly rotting away in his bed.

"I want to see him or I swear to god..." Her father throws his arms in the air.

"Fine! But let me talk now, okay?" Cecily stares angrily at her father and nods for him to continue.

"Okay. Well...i'm not mental in any way." Cecily snorts and let's a small laugh out, but her father continues.

"Cecily, you aren't either. Some people are trying to make you feel like you are, but you aren't. Your episodes, the ones you think I didn't notice...the ones that when I watched and had to pretend I didn't know what was going on...the ones that killed me because I knew they were hurting you, they aren't from the car accident. Cecily...your a product of NORAD. A governement based test facility. They're manipulating you to make you stronger." Cecily scrunches her eyebrows together.

"When your mother gave birth to you, NORAD officials took you and implanted a chip in you that they thought would make you stronger. The voices you hear when your having an episode are them trying to communicate with you." Cecily can't believe a word he says.

"Whenever they see you intereact with someone or something that could potentially stop you from gaining strength and being theirs, they cause you to have an episode. That's why you have them a lote when you're around Leo. You're too close and i'm afraid it's gotten out of control. At this point they would terminate Leo, but they won't because of my orders. But they can turn at any moment and kill you both. They don't want to do that though because then they loose all the data they've already recorded. Cecily...your a product and you need protection. That means isolation. No Leo, no Rachel, just you. That's why I left. Because i'm dangerous."

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