Chapter 8

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Cecily's unconscious. Leo is racing to the hospital even though this was his last resort. He tried to give her mouth to mouth, talk her out it, but nothing was working. Cecily was practically dead.

Leo drives furiously into the emergency room drop off. He gets out of the car and pulls Cecily out carefully. EMTS are already grabbing a gurney and getting her strapped on. Leo follows them inside even though they refuse, but he begs them and eventually makes his way to Cecily's side. 

She's not breathing and this worries him. He grabs her hand and squeezes hoping it would send a surge of life through her. Nothing happens. The EMTS push Cecily's gurney into a large room and put an oxygen mask on her. Leo stands back, but keeps an eye on Cecily. She isn't breathing. Leo feels tears well up in his eyes.

He stares at the girl whom he had met not so long ago but already knew he loved. It was breaking his heart and there was nothing he could do. He let's a tear slip out just as they unbutton her shirt to do shock her back to life. Leo can hear the volts coming from the small defibrillator. They shock her once. Nothing happens. They shock her again and the heart rate monitor starts up. Cecily gasps then closes her eyes and falls back into the deep depths of her now alive mind.

After an three hours, Leo was sent to the waiting room to await the news. He lied and said Cecily was his sister. Soon a doctor comes out with a clipboard. The doctor is of older age and wears a medical cjacket and mask. He removes the mask and pulls a chair up next to Leo.

"So...Leo it was? Your sister is doing fine. She should be able to leave in a few hours. We aren't exactly sure what hapenned so we need some insight from you. If you don't feel comfortable answering a question, please say so, but we would likeas much information as we could get." Leo nods and the doctor begins asking a series of questions about Cecily's medical state. Leo answers as well as he can even though he doesn't know much. 

The doctor finishes up and shakes hands with Leo. The doctor is strange to him. He seemed confused by Leo's answers, but they were so simple, he just doesn't see how one could get confused.

Two more hours pass by. Cecily walks into the waiting room where Leo lightly sleeps. He opens his eyes at the sound of her footsteps. He stands up and wraps his arms around Cecily. She sobs and rubs his back weakly. She tries her hardest to stay strong, but it's hard. She died today and thanks to Leo, she was alive. She burries her head into his shirt and cried for what seems like hours. Eventually she lifts her head and stares into Leo's eyes.

"I'm sorry i'm fucked up." It's Leo's turn to cry. He doesn't like the words Cecily uses. She's perfect to him and she doesn't know. Leo lifts Cecily's chin and smiles weakly.

"You aren't fucked up. You're just fine. I'm paying for your bill." Cecily's eyes go wide and she shakes her head.

"No! No, you can't do that. You've done enough. Please, Leo. I'm not your responsibility."  

"You can't stop me."


"Shh." He puts his finger over her lip and pulls her close. He hugs her tightly then grabs her hand. They walk down the hall of the hospital and to the administrator. Leo and Cecily go through a twenty minute process to eventually pay her bill of $2,500. She shudders and shakes her head disapprovingly, but gratefully, at Leo.

He squeezes her shoulder and they're off. Leo doesn't drive home. He just drives. He likes these silent moments with Cecily. Cecily falls asleep, but wakes up shortly.

"Leo!" Leo pulls over and turns to Cecily who is gasping for breath. Cecily stares forward and begins to shake. She feels like she's having an episode, but that's not the case. She clenches her fists and turns to Leo who's eyes are filled with fear.

"I don't know what to do." Cecily's having a panic attack. her life has just hit her like a full speed train. She's telling the truth. She's doesn't know what to do. She can't stay with Leo forever, but she certainly isn't ready to live on her own.

"Calm down babe." Leo grabs Cecily's hand and rubs it. She stops breathing heavily. Thoughts swirl around her head.

"Can you take me to the mental insititute? Please?" 

"Of course...of course." Leo starts the car and turns around. Cecily isn't sure of their location, but soon enough they arrive at the hospital and she forgets about where she was five minutes ago. She gets out and waits for Leo to get out too. He comes to her side and grabs her hand tightly. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cecily turns to him and grabs his other hand.

"I have to. I have no choice." She leans in and kisses Leo for a long time. His lips taste sweet, reassuring. She pulls away and begins to walk with Leo at her side. They get inside the lobby and approach a plump woman sitting at a desk.

She has Cecily sign in. Leo and Cecily take a seat until they're called to see her father.

"Ms. Applewood, hello. This is your...?"

"" Cecily nods and the doctor makes a face, but lets them both in. They look nothing alike, but at least it works.

They walk into a small room and sure enough Cecily's father is there. And he's awake. His eyes go wide.

"Cecily?" She stands still as if to seem invisible. Her father speaks so normally that it shocks her. Leo stands behind her in case anything happens.


"What are you doing here? Go home. Go away. You can't be here."


"Cecily, i'm not asking, i'm telling. Go. Home. Now. Leave. Go as far as you can, as secluded. Now."

"Dad, wait. What's going on? Please! Just tell me what's going on!" Then everything's a blur. 

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