chapter eleven: birthday girl

Start from the beginning

he shrugs. "your loss."

i sigh and shake my head as ben starts rambling about some stupid conspiracy theory to chris as they head out. i grab my shit and stand up, ready to take a fat ass nap when i get home, but i hear her laugh. i turn on my heels and look at the side of the room that i heard it come from. what the fuck?

sitting at the corner table, laughing over chocolate milkshakes, are tate and eric.

so she did stand me up. i feel the rage boiling up inside me and head out the door as fast as i can before i do something i'll regret.

what a cunt.


[tate's pov]

what the fuck am i going to wear? i have been digging around in clothes for the past hour. or have i just been trying to avoid coming out and seeing my family? haha. maybe that. it's not like they make stuff like this easy. always fucking breathing down my neck on days like this.

i grab a band tee and pair it with a pleated mini skirt, shoving my fishnets up my legs. now where the fuck are my demonias? those bitches were like a hundred bucks, i will murder someone if i can't find them. i spot them in the corner of my closet and reach to pick them up, but a steady knock jump-scares the shit out of me.

"tate? are you up?" i hear my dad call from outside my door.


i stand there frozen for a second, not wanting to answer and give away that im awake, but i know he already knows.

"uh yeah, come in." i respond hesitantly. there goes my peaceful morning.

he swings the door open, holding a cupcake with a candle in it. this is pretty much the only time of year when he treats me like this so i try to enjoy it.

"oh.. is that what you're wearing?" he looks me up and down.

god damnit, i take it back. i am not enjoying this.

"yeah... why?" i question.

"i- uh- your mom is coming to visit today." he stares at me blankly, as if he's already told me this.

"what? why didn't you tell me she was coming? dad, i don't want her here-"

"well she's coming and that's final. she's your mother and she deserves to see her kid at least once every now and then." he hands me the cupcake before exiting my room.

okay, awesome. so my alcoholic, deadbeat mother is coming to ruin my day! woo hoo! i know for a fact she will slut shame me in this outfit. isn't it supposed to be like 30° today? i'll just layer up and avoid changing into an ugly ass outfit to please my parents.

i grab an oversized brown cardigan and some leg warmers. that'll do.

i sit down at my desk and start putting my makeup on. are they going to let me go see rodrick before my mom gets here? fuck. i don't wanna cancel. i'll just have to be quick. i mean, it's my fucking birthday right?

i coat glitter on under my eyes to make it look like i've been crying sparkles, then finish the rest of my makeup. when im done, i admire myself in the mirror for a good thirty seconds. man, i am so fucking hot.

i grab my tote bag and step out the door. my whole family is sitting on the couch in formal clothes. wow, i am a fucking odd duck today, aren't i?

"is it alright if i meet rodrick at rise cafe for a little bit?" better fucking say yes.

"yes honey of-"

"no, your mom is going to be here in ten minutes." my dad cuts off rowan swiftly.

"what? dude, it's eleven in the morning." i insist.

"this was what we planned for. sorry tate." my dad says dryly.

god, where is that extra niceness that im supposed to receive on my birthday? is my dad really that fucking horrible?

"okay, okay." i sigh and head back to my room to wallow in my own self pity.

i lay on my bed staring up at the moon tapestry above me. i miss rodrick. i hate admitting it, but i do. i can't believe im not going to see him on my fucking birthday. this is so fucking stupid.

my phone vibrates and i pick it up.

rodrick: hey where r u?? im at rise waiting

oh fuck. i didn't know he was already there. i go to respond but there's another fucking knock on my door.

"come in!" i yell, trying not to let my annoyance show.

"hey honeyyy, happy birthdayyy" my mom steps into my room holding out her arms. she reeks of alcohol. holy fucking shit, it is ELEVEN in the MORNING. how many times must i SAY this????

i hug her with caution, holding her steady in my arms for a moment then letting her go slowly so that she doesn't fall over.

"how have you been?" she slurs with glazed eyes.

"um, im good. let's go out in the living room, they're probably waiting for us." i suggest, trying to get away from her horrible stench.

"mm.. okay" she stumbles out into the living room. i can see the raw embarrassment on my dad's face. yeah, that's fucking right, you better be embarrassed.

we all make conversation while picking at rowans cheese board and i shoot rodrick a text letting him know i can't come. the air seems drier than normal and i find myself coughing constantly. this is so fucking awkward.

"so rowan, is michael treating you well? god knows he has such a dominant personality..." she winks at my dad suggestively.

i watch rowan squirm uncomfortably in her seat. i can't do this today, sorry but fuck you mom!

"mom, you reek of vodka. do you think maybe you should go lay down and sober up?" i snap at her, smiling harshly.

"tate, that was very disrespectful." she responds. "looks like you are learning absolutely no manners here with your dad."

"and it looks like you're learning no coping mechanisms in rehab, you fucking bitch!" my voice grows louder and i watch her wince in her chair. my dad and rowan sit in their seats, staring at me in utter shock. jesus christ, you'd think your literal dad would defend you in a situation like this, but nope!

i grab my shit and stomp out of the room, and into the snow. i head down my road, not exactly sure where i'm going. the snow falls on my face, melting and leaving streaks in my makeup. after about a half mile, i hear a truck sputter up next to me.

"happy birthday, tate" i look up to see eric wink at me. "what the hell are you doing walking in the snow?"

how does he always manage to appear at the most convenient times?

"uh, well, my mom came over today." i say, this kind of speaks for itself. the first and only time eric met my mom she tried to convince him that i was only using him and that i was a kleptomaniac. she likes to tell stories.

"oh shit, im sorry." he says genuinely. i get that warm feeling in my chest. "here, get in." he unlocks the passenger door and i shrug, climbing in. "you shouldn't have to be alone on your birthday. do you wanna go get hot chocolate or something at rise?"

"yeah, that'd be nice thank you."

he grabs my hand and squeezes it, this time i don't let go.


A/N jesus why does it always take me like a month to get a single chapter out LMAOO more shit was going to happen in this chapter but i figured it'd be too long so im gonna put it in the next chap. this was the last bit of rodrick's pov that ur gonna get for the whole fic so i hope u enjoyed that little insight lolol pls tell me what u are thinking about the story so far and don't forget to vote + add !!!! love ya :)) !!!!!!

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