Feelingtest and Exercises

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School is Out

Marie , Max , Lucas and Thor walk togehter out.

" So what we are doing afternoon" Marie ask the Boys

"I have Musicsample for the new MusicaL" Thor answer

"And i have a meet with the S.C.A.B" Lucas happy say. He is the new Member for the Fight against Schoolbullys.

" I Have Time" Max smiled all over his face.

"That was clear Loverboy" Thor giggles and Lucas laugh.

Max sticks out his Tongue to both.

Marie see that and began laughing.

"Ok Maxxie..then we both meet alone that afternoon"

"Ohhhh....the two Lovebirds are dating" Thor and Lucas say at same time.

" Hehe...call  it what ever you like" Marie say with a light grin.

Then all go home. Max and Marie have the same Way to Home. Marie pulls her Candy out.

"You will a Candy?" Marie ask Max

"Sure" Max answer and hold up his Hand

"Nope... open your Mouth ...i will you feed like a baby" Marie smirks

"im not a Baby" Max protest.  While the Protest Marie puts the candy in his Mouth.

"So Maxxie-Baby ..eat your Candy"

" You not make half Things or?" Max say

" No ...all or nothing"

Then the both arrive at their Homes.

"See you in a Hour? Marie ask

"Yeah..in one Hour"

One Hour later

Marie knocks on the Door of the Newman-House.

The Mother open the Door

"Hi Mrs.Newman ..i will pick up Max for hang out"

" Max..your Girlfriend is waiting for you"

Marie blushed.

"Mom..were normal Friends ..not Boyfriend and Girlfriend"

"To Time not" his Mother grin . "Then have good Time"

Then Marie and Max going along the Street and stop by a Store

"Will you buy anything" Max ask

" You will see ..come with"

" The new Teenmagazine please" Marie say to the Seller.

Sure ...btw you look a nice Couple" The Sellerwoman said.

"We not a Couple" both say in Line.

Then they walk out of the Store. On the Sky dark clouds gather and a thunder is to hear.

"We better get back home before raining begin" Marie say

" We can go to me" Max says

Marie looked surprised but accept. "Sure"

In Max Room

"Wow you have a big Room" notes Marie

"YEAH.. enough place for many Things"

Then both plopped on Max Bed . A loud Thunder is to hear and Marie gets afraid. max notice this.

" You must be not afraid... here we sure" he smile at her. " Lets read the new Teenagemagazine that you buy"

"Ok" Marie then calm down slowly.

"Can i first read your old magazines you have?"  Max then going on his Table and hands Marie the Magazines.

She flips through a few and then stops.

"These Sites are you read about kissing?" Marie asked Max

Max looked at the Sites and nods.

"i say you a Secret of me " Marie smile

Max froze " But only if you want"

" Yes i want .. The Thing is i have never really kiss ..except Friendship-kisses" Marie explain.

" Oh..uhmmm...ääähmmm " Max stumbles surprise.

"But yet on this Site stand a Manual for Kiss...will be exercise Maxxie?" Marie ask Max.


Then both Teens are looking in the Site.

"First Thing...Pointing the Lips"  Marie read and Max do. "Hmm..here looks different ..but yours look better i find"

"Second... approach". Max do again what Marie say.  "Third... press the Lips on..." This Time was Max too fast and kissed Maries Ear.

"You was too fast" she giggles and Max blushed. " Im sorry" Max looks on the Bedground.

" No worry about that Wild Maxxie-Bear" She continues reading " Third...press the Lips on your Opposite"

Max slowly near Marie ..then he is stopped by Marie. " oh..I must poiting my Lips too" she smiled .

This Time Marie get closer to Maxs Lips and...both pointing Lips touch eachother. Marie close her Eyes and Max a bit later do the same.

They kiss ca.30 Second then both get a little far from eachother.

"Wow that was..."

"Beautiful" Marie added

Then Marie get a Message from her Mom to come please at Home

" I must go" she say

"Yes..i understand ..its late and morning we have School" Max say  "Thank you very much for the Kissexercise" he smile.

"No Problem Maxxie ..you have me help too and that is forever our first kisses" Marie said happy

" You right..That is"

"Then i will see you tommorow Maxxie-Boy ... you pick me up"

" Natuarally Powergirl" Max answer with a Wink.

Marie Room before Asleep

" This feeling of Max Lips on mine...and the Feelings in my Stomach...i think i fall in Love with Maxxie... maybe he can be my first Boyfriend"

Max Room

"Wow... my first Kiss and then with Marie ..i had Fellings for her since i see her at the first Time..maybe she can be my Girlfriend..with more Kissingexercises"

Max than fall happy to sleep

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