After listening to the old man speak it occurred to me that I could really have one of these abilities.
I nodded at the hokage.

I clearly understood but moving to leaf isn't what I want right now.

After a few minutes I had gathered myself and this new information and headed back to my apartment. As much as I would love to know more, tomorrow is an important day. I have to be prepared for any and everything that is thrown my way.

On my walk back I bumped into the Uchiha boy from earlier. He sat looking into the lake and I couldn't help but understand. When the Uchiha massacre had occurred it was known across all the nations and it was reported that it is his brother who murdered his clan including his mother and father. I could only imagine his pain. I too understands how it feels to be alone.

The anger you feel when you see others with their family, the holidays that go by with no one to celebrate with the thought that your brother doesn't want you around... Unbeknownst to me I shed a tear. I was shook out of my daze a voice, his voice.

"Sadness only disappoints you, it will distract you from your goals and I cannot be distracted. "The Uchiha said.

I quickly wipe my tear.

"And what are these goals you cannot be distracted from?" I asked not expecting a reply but when I did It momentarily stunned me, "Revenge."

I paused gathering my wandering thoughts. He can't be serious right? I was so wrong the dead look on his face was far from a bluff and honestly I understood. How will he mange to kill his brother. Itachi is an S-Ranked criminal meaning highly dangerous. Man I hope this kid knows what he is doing.

"Are you going to introduce yourself?" The onyx haired boy asked. Although he broke the deal I didn't mind making a friend.

"I am Akari Senju of the hidden mist." I announced proudly.

"Senju? As in the first hokage?" He asked again to which I nodded.

He was eerily quiet. Hn.

He had this stoic look on his face and I couldn't tell his emotion. He kept staring at me and  I could feel my face reddening from the awkwardness of this particular moment. Its time for me to leave. This is getting weird.

"Well see you around." I quickly spun around and to my surprise I fell back in response to Sasuke flashing right in front of me.

"Ouchhh! Whats your problem man?!"
I yelled out as I stood up rubbing my bruised butt. "You said you met Itachi in our spar earlier, Is it true?" He asked. Did he really make me fall on my butt to ask me about his brother?!!!! Urgh. I facepalmed trying to understand why I am still standing here. I shook off the anger and decided to talk. I guess I hate being alone. "Yes it is true." I answered.

The Uchiha squinted his dark eyes and analyzed my words. "What was he like?" He then continues to ask. I then came up with this bright idea in my head and I decided to act on it.

"Sasuke it is really late you know? I should be heading back to my apartment." He sighed and I felt bad. "You broke our deal remember now let me propose this, walk me home and I'll tell you everything on the way." He then looks at me with confusion written all over his face.He then looks into the distance and sticks his arms in his pants pockets. "Let's go." was all he said.

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