this isn't gonna be good. there's no way.

i gotta stay for this.

"eheh.." i awkwardly chuckled while walking towards susan, trying to lighten the mood even though i was equally as nervous for the fate of löded diper.

haha what if he fucks up and makes susan and frank hate his guts therefore not let rodrick let him join the band therefore forcing me to stay as their lead guitarist haha?

that'd be funny.

"you're gonna stay, right honey?" susan whispered hopefully to me, a confused yet frantic smile clad on her face while bill began to take it upon his own liberty to sit down at the table already.

duh anything for you susan.

"of course mrs. heffley" i reassured her.

"yay" she cutely whispered while softly patting me on the back before going to begin serving.

"bruh" rodrick said from beside me, both of us knowing damn well what he meant.

"ten bucks your dad kicks him out before dinner even finishes" i bet to him.

"oh man...........yes" he quickly took up my bet as we shook hands and headed towards the dinner table as well.

unfortunately there was no other place for me to sit besides the chair next to bill as rodrick took his seat next to rowley.

eh at least i get to look at hot stuff in front of me.

feeling a brush against my shoulder, bill leaned over to put his mouth next to my ear.

"so what are you doing after this? we can get in my car and-"

immediately standing up without a word, i walked over to a confused rodrick and gestured for him to switch spots with me.

which he gladly did without hesitation.

sitting down contently, i flashed him an over exaggerating smile to say thanks. an amused smirk popped up on his face as he shook his head.

god AND i Still have a nice view over here. sweet.

everyone began to eat as soon as we all put our food on our plates, bill already devouring it as if he hasn't eaten in days.

oh wait.



shit i don't blame him, susan's cooking is always divine.

"we really should be going...." rodrick nervously started, slowly standing up from his seat.

"sit." frank ordered him.

with the tiniest pout, he slowly sat back down, making me giggle.

the past couple of minutes have just been frank interrogating bill and truly honestly i'm entertained.

"...its all burgers and fries and pizza..."

tummy rumblin'  ☘︎︎  rodrick heffleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora