(Mha) Deku x reader

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Warning: extreme bullying, suicide, self harm

"Oh, Izuku..." Your voice was small and fraught with emotion. "No, that's not true."

"Yes it is!" He snapped, and your reaching hand hesitated. "Look, whatever—just, don't come any closer."

"Izuku, please stop. Think about what you're doing."

You had come up to the roof seeking solice after enduring a extremely embarrassing situation with as much grace as you could. You thought you were going to cry, shed a few tears, get some fresh air, collect yourself and head back—only to find someone already up here, over the railing, balancing precariously between life and death.

You were high up—you were sure a fall from such a height would at the very least result in serious injury. And the person over the bars was someone you had gone through elementary and middle school with, always seeing and saying hi to, but never becoming freinds due to being in different classes—and Bakugou.

Bakugou Katsuki scared you. Always yelling, threatening, just saying awful things...you were dealing with your own things, your own demons that made you cut and walk around at night light headed from blood loss in the hopes of... you didn't know. You didn't know what you wanted to accomplish, you just wanted to be away.

So you wanted none of Bakugou's negative attention. You knew he gave Izuku hell as it was, and didn't want to be another target on his list with your power that barely registered as a quirk.

You could project songs into people's heads. That was it. No one could tell you were doing it (excluding the person who you were doing it to), but you had to be within a certain range. You didn't even know what it was because of how seldom you used it, just that it needed to be a song you knew from heart in order to broadcast perfectly.

It didn't help you in this case, or in most cases, actually.

When you had called out to him, fear piercing your heart, you saw how flat and hopeless his eyes looked, and the fear completely disappeared, overtaken by the sheer fact that you could relate to that look.

You understood what he was feeling: nothing. It was grey, or it was suffering. And both were horrible, so bad you would rather be dead.

But you didn't want him to die. He was always so cheerful and passionate despite Bakugou—how were you supposed to know anything was wrong? If you had known what Bakugou had said was having such an impact on him, you would've stepped in regardless much earlier. But then again, why wouldn't it have a devastating impact? A person could only be told something so many times before they started to believe it.

And Bakugou had called Izuku worthless.

It was unforgivable. How could he think about being a hero, about saving people, when he was actively killing someone who had never tried to outdo him, never impeded on his territories, and was nothing but supportive? It was the worst type of hypocrisy.

"Izuku, please, don't let what he says convince you to throw yourself off that roof. It's—i mean—if you do, he wins!" You rushed to supply. "He laughs in your face every time he tells you you can't be anything—how do you think he'll be if you take his advice?"

You wrung your hands, unsure what to do. It felt odd as a suicidal person to be talking someone out of suicide.

"Please, Izuku, get down. But not like that! Use the rail!"

"How can i?" His voice was flat, and you winced. It only reminded you of yourself at night, trying to fight off the triggers and dysphoria, curled tight into a ball as if that could help you. You didn't want those horrible feelings to consume you. It was why you cut.

X Reader one shots from my wonderful mindWhere stories live. Discover now