(Mha) Katsuki x Reader

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You lived a peaceful life. You had a job you worked hard at, and earned every paycheck. You luckily had enough free time to get lost in self care everyday, making sure you put the best version of yourself forward.

And you had a secret: you were the worlds strongest. Or, one of them. Now, you didn't make it a habit of getting into fights, and the idea mildly horrified you, but.

There was always a but.

No one could really surpass you 😜

And then you met him. An ash blond brat you immediately disliked on the spot because of his disruptiveness. You were just trying to enjoy the school festival as an outsider, and this kid comes running, propelled by black and red explosions from his hands, screaming at the top of his lungs.

You couldn't help yourself. It just happened.

You clotheslined him.

You didn't even lose you grip on your stick of dango, the sugary syrup dripping down your hand before you eagerly licked it up, not minding the stares of people walking by, operating the food tents, and the people who had come looking for a good time.

You took a bite of the dango, chewing before looking at the kid at your feet. You were only a few years older than them, fresh out of high school and not interested in spending your life savings on college, and your freinds often told you you were extremely casual, making it easy for younger and older people alike to talk to you and make freinds.

This kid, however, didn't look like he wanted to be freinds. His eyes were cut into a black glare as he got to his feet, trained straight on you.

"Oi," he snapped, voice a guttural growl, and you were struck with how rude it was. As casual as you were, you still practiced basic manners, yet it was clear this kid did not.

"You're a second year, aren't you?" You asked flippantly, gesturing to his armband. "Shouldn't you be, like, a role model for the younger kids? Did your mom die or something? Why were you in such a rush? You could've made me drop my dessert."

He growled—actually growled, and you gave him a confused look.

"So what, bitch? Who do you think you are, lecturing me like some fucking pussy?" You jerked your head at his aggressive language, the confused look on your face twisting into a glare. You took another bite of doughy dango. "You think I give a fuck about your dessert? I've got shit to do—"

"So have I!" You snapped, although that wasn't necessarily true. "And I'd appreciate not getting run over by some temperamental blond, got it?" Your voice came out more hostile than intended, but it got the point across.

You added an eye roll, and he clicked his teeth at you.

"I'll show you temperamental, bitch!"

He'd reached back, giving you a second of realization before he threw his fist forward. Oh shit. He was actually going to fight. The air around his fist combusted, resulting in a huge blast that would've thrown you back had you not dodged, like, yesterday.

You found yourself on his shoulders, legs wrapped securely around his neck, but not enough to choke. You looked to you right hand—only to see that your dango was gone. It was only the floor, mostly charred in a syrupy splat in front of you both.

Your heart broke. You had been really craving something sweet for the past week, eating various candies and snacks only to not be fulfilled. When you'd found the dango stand, it was like all your problems had been solved.

X Reader one shots from my wonderful mindWhere stories live. Discover now