Chapter 13: First Combat Training

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"Overall, it's to help me control my quirk

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"Overall, it's to help me control my quirk. My left arm isn't my dominant arm either so I don't use it for combat as much. That is why my right arm is not gloved since I would use it for close combat why using the left with the glove to help regulate my quirk since I typically use my quirk via my hands but they aren't required. I use it to make a more direct blast or help me fly through the tubes on me like on my sides or feet." Inasa stated and Izuku nodded his head as he wrote notes down in his book. Everyone wondered where the book even came from but before they could even ask the teacher had come in with Gran Torino and everyone shivered at seeing the man since they have watched him train Izuku.

Gran Torino watched them all shudder a bit from seeing him. "Looks like I made quite an impression on you all?" Gran Torino said with a chuckle and watched as all of the students expect Izuku to take a step back from him. This just made him smirk even more at their fear but their teacher saved them from him before he could start mentally torturing them. "Welcome everyone to the training dome. Here we have many different sections set up in the dome but today we will be working in the overgrown ruin city zone." Stated their sensei as they all looked at the screen in front of them that showed the zone they would be working in.

"Throughout your careers, you will be forced to undergo many different missions and some will include going into ruins or abandoned city areas where villains will lair up

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"Throughout your careers, you will be forced to undergo many different missions and some will include going into ruins or abandoned city areas where villains will lair up. As such, your combat training today will help simulate that as you will need to limit the amount of damage you cause to the building and be careful not to start fires as the entire thing could go up in flames. Of course, our fire suppression systems would put the fires out if you start them but we will hold off until the round comes to an end." Stated their teacher and they all nodded their heads. Soon they were broken up into teams and Izuku found himself paired with Inasa against two of their classmates.

One of their classmates had a quirk called Full Moon. This quirk allowed the classmate to transform into a werewolf-type creature and they grew stronger the closer it was to a full moon and would grow weaker the further they got away from a full moon date. Their other classmate had a quirk called Shiver. This quirk allowed them to breathe out cold air and create constructs made out of Ice. They could also freeze surfaces if they breathe in a room with their quirk activated long enough. 

Overall, Izuku analyzed what he knew about their quirks and started to make plans in his head by taking into account Inasa. "I can see your mind already working Izuku. So what do you got?" Inasa asked as he and Izuku were sent towards their starting position. Izuku looked at him and then back towards the building they knew the villain's team was located in. "Overall, your quirk could stop our classmate with the Shiver quirk. You would need to constantly bring warm air into the room and it should counter their ability to freeze the room. It might not stop them from making ice construct to use as weapons but at least we wouldn't get frozen. I should be able to go head to head with our classmate with the full moon quirk. Currently, he's at his peak in power since the full moon was only a day ago, but my quirk isn't weak at all. I've increased my power control from 5% to 7%." Izuku stated and Inasa nodded his head and knew he would be fighting his classmate with the shiver quirk.

Soon they talked about a game plan and how they would go about the fight. If they could they would separate one individual and double team them before going after the other but if they couldn't then they would go for their individual enemies. Soon the buzzer went off and the match started as Izuku and Inasa started to move towards the building. Izuku and Inasa had decided to go in from the top and work their way down. The objective of this match was to defeat your opposing team and not any other objectives. As such, they hoped one of them would have gone downstairs to try and stop them from entering.

Soon, they were on the roof and entering the stairwell. Izuku was leading them in since he could tank some hits from people more than Inasa could. After going down one floor and checking it they didn't find anyone. They moved to the next one and found one of their enemies but not the other one. Izuku waved for Inasa and him to retreat and Inasa was confused. They backed up to the next floor and talked. "I think it's a trap, the way she is waiting seems off... I think we should go out a window and work from the ground floor up and see if we can find the other enemy first before making our attack on that enemy." Izuku stated and Inasa thought it over and agreed that it did seem fishy a bit. Soon they jumped out of a window and down several floors with neither taking damage since Inasa used his quirk to float down and Izuku could take the fall easily. 

Soon they went in a window on the first floor and checked the bottom floor and made their way up one and were met with the classmate with the werewolf quirk. This student was waiting near the stairs and looked like they were waiting for a signal to attack the floor above them. Izuku realized he was right and that it was a trap on the next floor! He pulled Inasa back into a room and asked him if he could create a wind wall strong enough to block someone from going through it. He nodded his head and said it wouldn't fully stop someone but it could delay them if he made a wind tunnel going up the stairs. 

After whispering for a bit longer they agreed on a plan of attack and made their move as Inasa made a wind tunnel going up the staircase and the werewolf user got confused seeing it but turned around to be met with a fist to the face as they got knocked into the wall. Izuku then grabbed them and tossed them down the hallway where Inasa was waiting to attack as he did a wind attack and forced the werewolf against the wall with some force. Izuku came up and used the wind to push him faster as he slammed his fist into their stomach forcing them to throw up. Izuku quickly wrapped capture tape around their arms which got them called out. Only a few seconds later the room got really cold as the second enemy came up from the first floor. "They must have gone down to get up since it was too much to go through your wind tunnel!" Izuku called out and Inasa nodded his head as he used his wind to start bringing warm air into the room to counter the cold air.

Soon Izuku got behind the female enemy and slammed his foot on the ground which cracked it and made her stumble. Inasa used this as a chance and created a ball of compressed air in his hand and shot it forward. As the girl was stumbling it hit her and sent her backward towards Izuku who clotheslined her into the floor. Inasa was already on top of her before she could even realize what happened and wrapped her in tape ending the match. 

Everyone back in the control room was stunned at how the match went as the two teams came into the room. A nurse from the nurse room was on standby and healed what she could. The school employed several people with healing quirks. None to the level of Recovery Girl but they all were still amazing heal quirks that could match her if they combined their efforts. Gran Torino started to chuckle when the room was still silent. "Good job you two! I think we will be paring you two together more in the future since you two work quite well together. Your quirks also cover each other quite well since Izuku is good for close combat while Yorashi is good for distance combat and some limited close range. Nice communicating and thinking things through when they felt off!" Gran Torino said and that made the room burst into questions of how they worked together so well when it was their first time working together. Inasa admitted that he's seen Izuku's notebook once while he was working in them before their lesson and saw how well he came up with plans to counter people which made Izuku embarrassed as people were asking him questions. 

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