Chapter 5

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Eret's words didn't comfort you as much as all you could do as you headed back to L'manberg, was worry for everyone including yourself.

Everyone continued to joke and laugh as we walked, but once we got closer to L'manberg, Eret spoke up.

"Gentlemen. In L'manberg I have grinded for a secret weapon."

He said as everyone looked to him seeming surprised. You were surprised yourself as you wondered why you guys just didn't you it on Dream.

Everyone started to come up with questions as we all walked into the walls. Eret hushed them before answering them.

"I've been grinding for equipment and materials. Come this way, I'll show you it."

He said as he lead everyone to a hole inside the hill of L'manberg. Ooo's and ahh's could be heard from the men as you followed right behind them.

He told everyone to keep quiet as we snuck down a staircase going deeper into the hole before coming upon a room.

Being the last one in you took notice of the sign that said

"Final Control Room"

It was an odd saying. Then again it didn't seem right.

Once going into the room you took notice of the chests within the room with everyone's name labeled upon in of the chests.

You walked over to yours and heard sounds of confusion. You wondered what was going on but once you opened your chest you realized there was nothing inside.

This wasn't right

Without warning Eret pressed the button of the floor causing hidden doors to open up within the room only to see Dream and his men come out.

Before you could react, potions of poison and harming were thrown causing many to yell and wail in pain. Chaos spread throughout the room and before you knew it you were kicked to the ground with a crossbow aimed at your head.

You looked at the man before you who wore white oval sunglasses before looking over to Ere- no. You looked at the traitor who stood in the middle of the room with a smirk upon his face.

"Down with the revaluation boys! It was never meant to be."

He said with a salute before having the enemies take all of our things.

"Eret. How could you?"

Wilbur asked with such disbelief.

"Eret listen to me. And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up."

Tommy said as using a deep voice at the end.

Eret only smirked knowing Tommy's threat was useless since he had nothing on him anymore.

"Goodbye Gentlemen."

He said before disappearing. Then it wasn't too long before we were teleported back to the surface.

Wilbur immediately started asking everyone if they had their weapons or at least anything on them that was left.

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