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Well I heard there was a special place. Where men could go and emancipate. The brutality and tyranny of their ruler.

Well this place is real you needn't fret With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret!

It's a very big and not blown up L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg

A voice sang the words in a soft tone as they looked out upon the land before them with their vibrant e/c eyes. Their h/c flowwed within the gentle breeze as the sun shines down upon their skin.

It was such a beautiful day out today. The land was at peace, and the economy grew.

So many new faces to meet and see. So many new friends to make.

Everything has changed do much over the year. It all felt so surreal.

You looked down below to see Church Prime. A small smile appeared on your face remembering the day you helped build this place.

Looking off into the corner of the room you could see a chair in the corner to which Tommy declared to be the "WAP" corner. To which it stands for Worship And Prayer.

You rolled your eyes before looked back down to the ground below wondering what the others were up to.

You got up from your spot upon the ledge of the building, and took a few steps back. Instead of being normal and going back down. You took a running start before jumping off the edge of the building.

You free called off the building as you loved the rush of the wind blow through your hair as you fell. You made sure to land in the water to prevent yourself from literally dying.

Once getting out of the lake you didn't care if your clothes were wet, as you only rung them out as much as you could before making your way to L'manberg.

As you walked down the path you could see many of people building talking and having fun. The DreamSMP looks so happy and lovely.

As you continued to walk along the path you took notice if Eret's castle. You slowly came to a halt as you looked upon his castle.

Everyone in L'manberg who knew him, hated him. Though over the year, we began to half forgive him for what he's done. Sure a lot of us still hated his guys. But he's not to bad to have around when he's not being an ass.


A distant voice called out as you looked over to see who it was.

There was Nikki quickly making her way over with a smile upon her face. She appeared to be holding a box of some sort.

"Y/n! I want you to try this cake I made for my bakery. I need to know if I made it right or not, I just don't want to disappoint anyone."

She said as she opened the box to show a nicely made cake with white icing along with red berries put on top.

"Oh Nikki, I don't think this'll disappoint anyone. It looks so delicious. And God it smells amazing."

You said as you could feel yourself beginning the drool.

The compliment seems to fluster the poor girl as she looked down to the cake then back to you.

"R-really? That's so sweet of you Y/n."

She said as her face flushed red. You then carefully grabbed the box from her as you smiled happily.

"Come on Nikki! We gotta have the others try this out with us. I'm sure they'll love it."

You said happily as this seemed to make her happy as well.

You both began to walk back to L'manberg as you chatted away about all sorts of things

Once walking into the walls of the great nation you took notice of Wilbur and Tommy talking away with Tubbo just hanging around.

"Hey guys! Nikki has something she wants us to try! Has anyone seen Jack Manifold?"

You asked them as you walked closer. But before anyone could answer a voice sounded off behind you.

"You called?"

Speak of the man, it was Jack himself. He looked over to what you held as this seemed to immediately get his interest.

"Ooo, a cake. Who made it?"

He asked as he went to taste the icing. Though before he could you moved it away from him.

"Hey wait up you pig. Everyone's going to get a slice, and Nikki was the one who made it."

"Whatever bossy. Now come on, I'm starving. I need it."

He said as you rolled your eyes.

Nikki helped divide the cake evenly as everyone had gotten a piece.

You all sat up on the wall as you looked out to the land together and enjoyed the cake Nikki proudly made.

"This is very good Nikki. I bet your bakery will sky rocket."

"I agree"

"Yes, I agree as well"

"Well I mean it could probably use some more-"

You elbowed Tommy's side making him stop as he gave Nikki a thumbs up.

"N-nicely done Nikki."

She smiled happily as her face once again flushed red from the compliments of her friends.

"Awww thanks guys. You're so kind."

She said happily before you all took a moment to appreciate the view.

The war was over.

Freedom was set for all.

Everyone was happy.


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