Chapter 2

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Immediately you sat up with a startle as you looked around your surroundings.

"Where the hell am I? What happened? Who-"

You looked around to find yourself in a small room with no windows but a small chest off to the side along with your bag. Looking down to your arms you took notice of the bandaging done to you.

It was then flashes of memories from last night came back. The near death to the mobs, the mysterious figures who must've helped you. Guess the battle was so intense you didn't notice your own wounds.

A small ache of pain bursted through your body as your ran your hand through your hair. Now all you had to do was figure out where you are.

Slowly you got out of bed as your legs were absolutely sore from all the non-stop running you did. Though nonetheless you walked it off. You went to the corner of the room and picked up your bag before heading to the door.

You walked out only to see the room to be filled with furnaces. All in a row with some chains hanging from the ceiling. This immediately set off alarms in your head wondering why someone needed so many furnaces, though you could just be over thinking. Cause for all you know this could be a house of a miner.

You took notice if the white tinted windows as you peeked outside. It was a little hard to make out a few things, but you could tell people were outside. You wouldn't lie, but it's been so long since you've last seen other people besides villagers or pillagers.

Wanting answers you left the room to then realize you were in a van. Though this van didn't seem like it'd be running anytime soon. You went outside as you squinted your eyes from the bright sun and tried to adjust. And once that happened you immediately took notice of the black and yellow wall that seemed to go all the way around.

A sudden thud from behind you made you jump as you quickly turned around only to freeze once seeing who it was.

Brown eyes stared back at you with the same expression. A man with fluffy brown hair and a blue uniform stood only about ten feet away from you.

A small smile appeared on your face as you stated at him.

"Hey Wilbur. Long time no see brother."

You said as you saw a smile appear on his face before he quickly came over and gave you a gentle hug.

"It's good to see you Y/n. It's been way too long."

He said with a soft tone as you couldn't help but hug him back.

It felt so nice to see him again. He's matured a lot. He's not the little boy you used to know from when you both were kids. He was a man.


A voice called out as you pulled away from the hug to see an excited boy rushing over to you.


Before you knew it you were tackled into a hug by the happy energetic boy which caused you to stumble.

It hurt a little bit, but you didn't care. All you cared about was the boy in front of you as you hugged him just as tightly as he did.

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