Extra 5: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act II

Start from the beginning

The former nursemaid stood beside him and snorted in distaste. "As expected of a three-inch fool. Only knows doublespeak when it suits him."

"Hah?! Who are you calling three inches?!"

The tension was heightened once more, but before a different argument could break out, another man stepped forward.

"Stand down, Ferdinand."


This was the Oldham Family's only son and heir, Auertes, otherwise known by historians as the peacemaker.

"I am telling you to stand down, Ferdinand. Unless you are implying that my words do not matter..."

"No! No... My Lord, forgive me..." Ferdinand sneered at the Elisia members, his anger brewing beneath his skin. "Very well. I will let you off this time. Dogs of the House of Elisia are only mere toads not worthy of my attention."

Ferdinand stormed off after that, taking his goons with him.

Auertes followed without a glance back at their enemies.

Othello and the former nursemaid glared at him with resentment.

There were, however, two individuals who did not actively participate in this rivalry. The first star-crossed lovers to appear in the history books.

In the secret garden of the Elisia Manor, the fair Lady Rose met with the gentle Sir Gilde...

"My Lady, are you there?"

Sir Gilde climbed over the garden wall, looking around carefully as he snuck through the bushes.

"Over here, Sir Gilde."

From behind the fountain, Lady Rose appeared, looking quite pale. She held a handkerchief to her lips, dyeing it in blood.

The beautiful and charming Lady Rose was a sheltered lady. Her only flaw was the delicate nature of her constitution. As a young girl, she was abandoned at a temple in another town north of Ohmlet. When the Lord and Lady Elisia were passing through, they saw the child and knew it was destiny.

They could not bear a child of their own, and this girl was everything they imagined in a daughter.

Sir Gilde smiled gleefully, albeit with a hint of concern in his eyes, looking quite boyish as he swept his lady into his arms.

Sir Gilde was the ward of the Oldham Family. His parents served as vassals to the Oldhams. Their untimely deaths brought him to Ohmlet, where the Oldhams took him in. Youthful and bright, he was sometimes naive but irrevocably kind.

("You could say he was good of heart and dumb of ass."

"We can't write that in.")

He and the heir of the Oldham Family, Auertes, were the best of friends—almost brothers in all but blood.

"I had thought I could never see you again. My heart is gladdened that we can meet once more."

Lady Rose and Sir Gilde met at the annual midsummer celebration.

And they fell for one another instantly.

"Oh, Sir Gilde. I have given my heart to you ever since I first saw you..."

This made it worse because their story would only end in tragedy.


"Meyers! What are you doing here?" Rickman demanded.

Fredrick looked almost frantic as entered the light booth.

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