Start from the beginning

"I could always eat you instead."

"You could, but we'll both still be hungry, lost, and tired. Ah—you know what? Give me that damn wheel, I'ma learn how to drive a Cadillac tonight."

"I'm the only sober adult in this car!"

"You hogged the blunt towards the end! You're higher than me!"

Bokuto couldn't argue with her, taking a U-turn at a random light and driving south once again. The streets around them were void of all life, almost as if it were the apocalypse and the Cadillac held the only two living human beings on the planet. In a way, it did feel like the two were the only ones in the world, relishing in each other's auras as if there was nothing else left for them in this deathly, passionless province. Out of desperation and excitement of witnessing different sceneries, they constructed a cylinder-like rocket ship and agreed to visit the skies in search of a purpose of some sort, hand-in-hand. As the last two humans, they weren't sure what they'd collide into on their journey throughout the dimensions. All they knew was that they had each other to cling onto, a partner who stood with their back against the other in search of any force that threatened their security—their amour.

"Can you type in the address of the place? I'm using all my attention to make sure we don't end up in another countryside," Bokuto asked, handing his unlocked phone to the (H/C) haired woman.

"Okay, just get on 95 and we'll start following these directions. It's only fifteen minutes, thank the lord."

"Fifteen minutes? Damn, I'm hungry!"

"We would've been there if you didn't take all these wrong turns! And, look, there's a fucking plantation home! Does that look like downtown Miami to you?" (Y/N) pointed out a large crop field that adorned a manor in the center of it, grouped with other most likely racist homes that lined up the street and seemingly went on for miles.

"If I get shot, I'm haunting you!!"

"No way, I'll take down the whole town before that happens."

"Just...just drive. I'm stressed. Thanks for stressing me out."

"It's no problem, pretty. Always happy to help!"

"You will not see heaven," (Y/N) laughed without meaning to, dragging her hands down her face before she paused in hesitation.

"Ko...I can't feel my face."


(Y/N) didn't notice the way the fast winds ceased to hit her face, yet her hair still wildly flew behind her. She was entirely too enraptured in the nighttime and the stress Bokuto gave her to notice the numbing of her face. (Y/N) has most definitely taken drugs before, nothing crazy like cocaine, but she's smoked an ounce and popped a few Adderall's before college classes just to get by. However, she's never smoked or inserted any damn drug in her body that numbed her face. Not even the fattest blunt gave her that effect, so she was convinced Bokuto must lace his blunts with something else to produce stronger effects. It was no wonder he stood in possession of a Cadillac, his customers probably tipped him from how loud his weed shrieked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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