She smiled at the man who didn't really say anything other than a low "It's fine." she walked back to the counter as Ochako took care of his order. (y/n) was cleaning up things around the back as she waited for her friend to finish up the order. Katsuki stood up and handed (y/n) the empty cup notifying her she wanted a refill. She watched as he glared at the man who just stood beside him waiting for his own order, she was confused at why the indigo haired man wasn't bothered. Typically with the same fiery look Katsuki was giving off, everybody would be in a state of panic and bothered about it, but he wasn't phased at all.

"Katsuki," (y/n) whispered as she quickly took the cup from his hand and began to fill it up, this time she tossed a whole spoonful of sugar in his cup. "Maye that will make you sweeter, here."

He looked at her and back down at the cup knowing fully well what she did.

"Fine," he grumbled and made it back to his seat where he quietly chugged the drink down and made a face of disgust. "I hate sugar."

She giggled and watched as Ochako rolled her eyes and finished the last part to the coffee the mysterious man ordered.

"Why do you always do that to him?" Ochako asked as she placed the cup on a different counter and squirted in flavoring.

"Because he is practically my oldest brother." (y/n) grabbed a lid for the brunette and tossed it to her once she was finished. She put it in a little cardboard thermo and handed it to the man and he walked off out of the store to enjoy the drink. "Ever seen him before?"

"Once or twice," Ochako said as she wiped off the counter and the girls went back to doing simple busy work. "He comes in often, but his name is Hitoshi Shinso or that's what's typically on the reseat."

"He's weird and pathetic," Katsuki chimed in as he looked at the two. "Looks like he does nothing but games all night."
"Katsuki," (y/n) shot him a warning look while he just rolled his eyes and glared at the coffee he was having a hard time chugging down.

"It's true," he shot back quickly.

After two hours passed (y/n) and Ochako took off their aprons and allowed the two replacements to take over their shift. (y/n) walked out the back door where Katsuki knew to wait. She held the door for her coworker and the three of them walked away from the building.

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow," Ochako said as she went off into a different direction in a rush.

"What's her problem?" Katsuki asked, looking as the girl rushed off in a heartbeat.

"She said something about a date tonight, so who knows." Katsuki rolled his eyes and scoffed as a light chuckle left his lips.

"Maybe she finally scored a date with your brother?" He said laughing even harder.

"Our brother," she punched him and the two began their trek back to the apartment they shared with Izuku in the middle of the city. "Ten bucks he's not home!"

She stuck her hand in the air out in front of the man as she walked backward in front of him.

"Deal, now stop before you trip." She quickly turned around and walked forward as they came up to their building. She grabbed out her keys and twisted them into the door. It unlocked and allowed the two in where they traveled up the winding steps and into their hallway where their three bedroom apartment was. They walked in and quietly searched the house, not spotting the green haired boy anywhere throughout the whole apartment.

"Oh my gosh!" (y/n) squealed and reached her hands out for the ten bucks which katsuki unwillingly handed to her.

"Calm down alright," Bakugou said as he covered his ears. Once her squealing was over he went to the kitchen and collected the garbage. She helped by collecting the bags he pulled out and getting ready to take to the garbage shoot. She slipped on her shoes and walked directly across the hall where she stuffed the bags into the compartment. She turned around and wiped off her hands spotting Kaminari and Kirishima walking down the hall with the same Indigo haired man from the coffee shop earlier.

"Hey, (n/n)," Kirishima said, ruffling her (h/c) air as she pushed his shoulder. "Katsuki making you take out the trash or was it Izuku?"

"It was Katsuki, but he's making supper while Izuku is out on a date." (y/n) giggled while she smiled fondly upon the red head, she peaked around her broad shoulders and waved to the smaller boy, Kaminari.

"Hey zappy," she said but finally noticed the same guy from the coffee shop, the one Katsuki was ready to fight. "Hey guy from the coffee shop, what are you guys up to? Hopefully not causing trouble."

"A party (y/n), wanna go?" Kirishima asked (y/n) as he gave her attention once again. She heard the door slam open as the same fiery blond peaked out.

"Kirishima, you flirt with my baby sister one more time I will smack you!" he growled with a spatula in his hand.

"Dude, she's your best friend not your sister, I only have to ask Izuku." Kirishima shot back knowing he was making the blond upset.

"Sorry no party, you heard bakugou." (y/n) giggled as she walked into the apartment passed Katsuki who was still glaring at the group of men.

"Stupid partiers," he growled as he gave them all a death glare.

"Katsuki, dinner," (y/n) came back and dragged him into the room where she forced him to stand in front of the stove while she cleaned up any dirty dishes. "Stop picking fights, silly."

"Yeah, yeah."


The two just finished supper when Izuku walked in all flustered and blushing. (y/n) glanced up and then looked at Katsuki who was rolling his eyes.

"What happened to you Deku?" he asked, upset that his peace and quiet was gone.

"Oh nothing," he said, trying to tough it out and get rid of the blush that covered his entire cheeks. "Just a silly little date."

"It went well then?" (y/n) asked even happier that she knew who he went with.

"Yeah you could say that." Izuku's squeaky voice said as he rushed to his bedroom to get changed out of his fancier clothes. (y/n) picked up the plates as she walked them to the counter right beside the sink. She turned on the water and plugged the drain so none of the water would escape. She bent down under the sink to grab the dish soap, she flipped the cap and squeezed just the right amount of soap and began to wash the plates off and set them in the rack. The door slammed open as Izuku came out of the bedroom.

"So wanna tell us who you went out with?" Katsuki asked, being nosey.

"Katsuki!" (y/n) growled and threw a fork at his head making the blond his and grumble. "Hell tell us when he's ready!"

On the other side of the door, kirishima, Kaminari and shinso were walking by to go get groceries but were stopped by the sudden holler of (y/n).

"What's going on in there?" Shinso was surprised at how loud the girl could be when her demanner had been nothing but nice so far.

"Katsuki is getting his butt handed to him by the queen!" Kirishima said fist pumping the air. "Get him (y/n)!"

"I'll kick your ass next Kirishima!" She yelled through the door making the boy rush down the steps with his tail between his legs. Leaving Shinso to smirk and shake his head following close behind Denki.

I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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