After what felt like hours of silence, I poked Katy's arm and nuzzled here neck. She groaned.

"I bought ice cream.. " I mumbled. Katy began to smile. 

"Cookie dough? " she asked. I nodded.  Grabbing my bag and two large spoons.

Digging into the large bucket of dairy goodness.

"We should make another pact. " Katy suggested. I glared at her. Did we not just get into a big fight about pacts?

"Okay...? " I questioned.

"We vow that we'll fall in love and make a family. No matter how long it may be. " she declared. I scooped another chunk of dough and stuffed it into my mouth. 

"Easy first you to say. " I sassed back.

"Oi... I saw that look Rin-chan gave you. He wants you. "

I shook my head. 

"That was aimed towards you."

We giggled.  Katy shook her head,after her scoop.

"No,I'm sure he was looking up... not the other to his right.. "

I shrugged. We laughed.I reached my hand over to wipe so cream off her chin,and ended up smearing it. Katy was in shock.

"Sorry. " I said,but she was nodding at me. Wiping the cream from her face, and sprayed it all over my cheek,even across my nose.

"I forgive you.. " she said.  I flicked my spoon at her, and she flicked it back. Throwing a chunk in down my shirt.

"We should go get Matsouka to help you with that. ~"
Shit. The relay!

"He's probably upset with me,so I'm staying away. " I said. 

There was a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I yelled, while eating ice cream. It was Sosuke. His hands in his pockets and his eyes on us.He sat down in front of us. 

"I wanted to check on you -I heard yelling from down the hall. " He said. We both were blushing. 

"Everything's okay." Katy said with a big smile on her face. Sosuke nodded ,before taking her spoon and shoveling up his own ice cream and sticking it in his mouth. His brow furrowed and Katy was laughing. 

"Braaaaaaainfreeeeeeze. ~" We both said, before laughing. Sosuke was glaring at us,until I pressed my finger on the roof of my mouth. He nodded, and did the same. Chewing on a cookie dough.

"Where's Rin-san? " Katy asked. Sosuke's eyes landed on me.

"He's still in the locker room. "

I looked down at my phone and saw that he text me.

"I'm gonna have to buy more ice cream later,huh? " I asked,eying them both. Katy nodded. I sighed, and stood up. Walking my way over to the closet, grabbing my swimsuit and heading out to the pool. Ticking my monokini in my jacket.

When I saw Rin, he was sitting on the bench in front of the pool. His head down and his hair looked like it was still wet. Was he waiting for me? I slipped in and walking towards the rail.  You know that feeling you get when you're alone with your crush who now may know you're smitten by him, and now you're scared that he may reject you? That clenching feeling that makes you want to run off and hide from him?  That's the feeling I have right now. The way his arms looked in his jacket was killing me. I just wanted to snuggle up to him like yesterday morning. But I'm scared I'll never get that moment again. He was standing up, his hands holding a piece of paper - The note.  When he turned around, I wanted to feel invisible to him. I was so used to rejection that I didn't know if I can look into his eyes.

"For a minute there I thought you weren't  gonna come. "  he said.  "You were busy stabbing Katy or something.. "

I felt so nervous. I held out my phone.

"Yo-You said we needed to talk.. " I said. God,why do I feel this way? Why does Matsouka Rin make me feel this way? Why can't I just give up and go back to being ignored for Katy's sake?

"I remember you now ...we were at the beach in Australia. 'Shark boy ' ?"

I looked over at him, and I saw it. When I was in Australia for dancing, I would go to the beach during the weekends. It was relaxing and beautiful to see, especially in the sunset. I remembered a couple of kids from school coming with me too. Rin was one of them.  We would argue and fight -over shaved ice and smoothies from one  shacks. That was when I gave him the name 'Shark boy'; it was supposed to be an insult, but he liked it.  He kept calling me a dolphin ,because of the sound I made when my feet hit the water.

Well, that was his excuse - I always thought that it was something else.

Something that probably didn't make sense until we were older.

"Wow.. " I said, taking a good look at him. The image of a cuter, younger Rin still in my head. He was always tall to me, so now if felt familiar. The way he'd look down at me. I felt discomfort. My face was blushing under the light and he was smiling at me. 

"Still as innocent as always, ne? " he says, waving me down to him. After a few minutes, I was now standing in front of him. I kept eying that note in his hands.

"Let's go for a swim. " he says. I shook my head.

"You just had a relay. " I insisted. 

"And you have a fight - so let's go. " He said, before unzipping his jacket and throwing it on the bench.

Once that jacket was off,there's no arguing with him.  I let out a sigh, and walked to the dressing room.  Thinking about what exactly to say to Rin, and how this whole thing may play out.

Shark BaitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora