Chapter 5

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"Eh? lost it?!" Katy yelled out. I was dressed in shorts and a tank top. Digging into the trash can, just in case I happen to have thrown it away. How could I have lost that note?  Of all things -that note.

We spent hours searching, and still haven't had any luck. We were laying on the ground staring are the ceiling. My eyes were on the brink of tears.
I'm screwed! Screwed I tell ya'!

I couldn't sleep at all that night, I had to find that note. I didn't want to think of Rin reading it, he'll probably tease me about it. God, I wanted to cry! I screamed into my pillow until my throat felt sore. And to top it all off, it today was Rin's tournament.  The one he wanted me to show up to see him swim.  That tournament.

I just hope Kimiko or Kai was gonna be there,I don't wanna look like a fool.

"Hopefully it's not out of the room.  I'll go ask Sosuke if he's seen it. " she says, before leaving the room. I hope Rin's either sleep or at the pool. I didn't want to think about Yesterday's altercation.

I pulled out my phone and text Kai first. He said he was gonna be there, early with Kimiko -and they'll save a seat for me.

"Thank goodness.. " I mumbled. Setting my phone down and cleaning up my mess of papers. Katy left her phone behind, so I decided to go through it. Those rumors had to be what they are -rumors - right? I saw Messages from Rin asking was she okay. Apparently Katy hurt her leg during practice and Rin was worried. Nothing juicy.... until I read her messages to Sosuke.
I'm really really sorry about that.
Don't worry, We'll work something out.
Well try to anyway.
How? I slept with Rin while you were at the doctor's office.
Did it mean something to you?
Then stop worrying.
I can't. Not only did I break my pact with Jimi, but I lied to her -she's gonna hate me. I'm gonna cry.

I canceled out of her messages and slid it back to where it was. I didn't know how to feel -should I feel angry; because Katy lied to me about seeing Rin, Knowing that I wanted him.or should I just give up on this crush of mine?  Find the note and rip it apart - all three pages of it.

That sounds like a good idea.

"Hey Jimi... I have horrible news. " Katy was coming back. A  frown on her face -I  really wanted to rip those lips from her face. "Sosuke and Rin are at the pool getting ready for the tournament."

I sighed to myself, before walking into the shower. I can't let her know that I saw her messages, not when the wound was fresh.
Play it cool.

I took a deep breath and went to take another shower. Getting dressed in a cute top with some jeans on. I played with my hair before leaving to find Kimiko and Kai. We were supposed to meet at the dance hall.

"We can stay up here.. " Kai said while running up the steps to the very top. The crowd was coming in, and I can see Katy and her line of friends sitting rows away from me.

"Isn't that your friend? " Kimiko asked. I nodded and kept watch for Rin. I saw him standing near the rail talking to his team, then he saw me -and smirked.

"And there's Rin-chan. ~" Kimiko cooed. I was blushing when she grabbed my hand and waved it at Rin. 

"Oi!  Rin-san! " she called, I,saw Katy watching us and giggling. I looked over at Kimiko and she hugged me close; Katy must be upset. She stood up and walked down towards Rin. They were talking, and she was smiling. That was when she slipped something in his hands. He held up his hands and said something ,and then walked away. Katy didn't look happy.
What I'm more concerned about was what she gave him?

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