Chap 61: Plummet

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Aila was done!

She had finished all her work for her semester. Everything was submitted and the best part, she had no summer classes.

It had been three days since she saw Brian with his soulmates. It had been three days since her soulmates last spoken to her.
And if she was honest with herself, she absolutely loved the day she spent with them.

Surprisingly, the girls all apologized to her for how they acted before. Aila more than understood why they said or acted the way they did. After a heartfelt conversation, they all got along pretty well. If they didn't know any better, Aila could easily be considered one of their puzzle pieces. Her heart became full with the love for her Brian and his soulmates.

But her heart was also empty. Now that she was done with her school work, reality submerged her in a sea of emotions. Her soul felt lost, wandering in the waves that seems to hit too hard again her skin. She kept trying to swim, even against her will to sit and sink. But every time she moved, there was no sense of direction. It was just an endless deserted sea.

Only thing thing to distract her was D-day.

Which she was beyond blown away by the fact it was Yoongi's second mixtape. On top of that, it featured MAX, to which Aila lost it. She watched the music video as well, each God-blessed scene making her rational thinking fly out the door.

And then she thought about the night she spent with her soulmate, the night she bonded with Yoongi. She wanted more than anything to go up to him and first: punch him for being so fucking talented and sexy and just perfect, and second: congratulate him on his new milestone in his career.

However the sense of being lost and unwanted washed over her again. It had been four days since she had seen her soulmates. She had lost count on the hours she had been alone in the hotel. She was losing herself.

The pain in her chest was most prominent now. It felt like she was holding on, carrying all the pain and she didn't want to let go. She still had hope to fix everything. If she could just let go, let everything would disappear.

She wanted more than anything to celebrate and congratulate Yoongi, just as everyone was doing.

A knock at the door took her out of her thoughts. As she opened the door, she was meet with her usual bodyguards who instructed her to get ready for a short meeting.


The room were she was taken consisted of a long table. One her left side sat Mr. Sejin with Namjoon next to him. The others stood behind the two. There was an empty seat in front of them and a face she never had seen before.

Aila froze when she stepped into the room. The tension was almost suffocating.

"Ms. Aila if you could please take a seat next to Mr. Robert." Sejin voice made her jump at how stern it sounded. She made her way to the chair, getting her hand shaked by the newcomer.

"Hello Ms. Aila. My name is Jake Roberts and I'll be the interpreter for this meeting. Everything will be interpreted as well as kept confidential."

Aila shook the mans hand but felt confused more than anything.

"I don't understand why I would need an interpreter. I understand Korean."

"Yes I understand however there's is a legal document to be discussed. Mr. Sejin didn't want anything not to be in the clear."

Aila bit her tongue and instead decided to sit beside the man, facing her soulmates and their manager.

"Aila we are here because there are many things that need discussion." The interpreter went ahead and did his job, however, Aila didn't pay much attention to what he said in English. Her focus was on the people in front of her. Either way, she let the man finish before nodding.

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