Not A Chapter

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Hey guys it's the author here and I'm going to bring up a few things I want to get off my chest. I'm tried of getting attacked on social media by other Teen Wolf fans,for liking Nolan. A lot of Nolan stans are getting attacked for liking the Character and I'm so tired of it.
I saw people on Tik Tok just hating the Character just because 'He's ugly.' That's not a good excuse for attacking those that like him,it's actually really offensive to the actor that plays Nolan.
What if the actor for Theo was ugly? Would you hate them to? Would you attack  fans?
Also yes Nolan made mistakes but he goes on to redeem himself,he regrets what he did. He risked his life for liam and the Supernatural and even saves Theo and Liam's life.
Also for the people that attack the Nolan fans Because they have said they relate to Nolan's struggle with mental health.
Just stop,as someone who suffers from depression, a anxiety disorder, social anxiety and has a hard time making friends because of there mental health issues,Nolan is the most Relatable Character for me.
Not everyone relates to Nolan for that reason,but some of the ones that do get attacked for it and it break my heart.

Listen just stop attacking people for liking a character

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