Reunion Part II

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TW: violence, smut (degrading), depression (mention self harm)

After arriving Wilhemina gives you a reassuring nod and you both make your way inside the school, after walking past the old familiar halls and corridors you find yourself in the gym of college, it is packed and they even build a little stage with a DJ playing some music. You scan the room and see a table with some drinks and you walk over there with your girlfriend. After getting some drinks you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and see Miss Stevens looking at you with a big smile. ''Hey Y/N'' she says happily and pulls you into a hug and as you pull away you can already tell Wilhemina will not be pleased. You turn to your girlfriend but she seems calm given the situation. ''Wilhemina this is Miss Stevens, Miss Stevens Wilhemina'' you say and introduce them and they shake hands. ''I'm so proud of you for passing all the exams with such amazing grades'' Miss Stevens explains. Wilhemina just watches you and your english teacher make small talk and she isn't even listening, all she can focus on is the way Miss Steven's hands are all over you, your shoulder, your hands and she is standing way too close as well. Wilhemina doesn't wanna cause a scene because she knows you are nervous as it is and Miss Stevens is probably the only person you wanna talk to this evening considering everyone else treating you poorly here so she tries to stay calm and not cause something. Although that takes a lot of holding back and self control. After a while Miss Stevens is distracted because she sees another student she was teaching online so you turn your attention to Wilhemina again. ''I'm so sorry'' you say feeling guilty ''Don't worry it's okay'' Mina reassures and you both take a sip of your drinks. Some music is playing and you love the song currently on so you start dancing a little and Wilhemina notices. ''I wish we could dance'' she says with a sad expression knowing her back wouldn't allow it. ''Me too but it's okay'' you reassure her and you both just stand there and take in the surroundings. Thankfully you haven't seen Emma yet and you only see some people from different courses or some of the students you saw in your online lessons. You are pulled out of your thoughts when Miss Stevens approaches you again ''Hey Y/N would you like to dance?'' she says and you feel awkward. Yes Miss Stevens has always been kind to you and nice around you and you appreciate everything she has done for you so far but you have noticed too she is all over you and you also noticed the nicknames she calls you and you used to like the way she showed she cared but not anymore. You look at her and then Wilhemina before saying ''No thank you Miss Stevens I would rather dance with my girlfriend'' and with that you take Wilhemina's hand and guide her to the dance floor where a lot of people are currently dancing. You blend in with the crowd and Wilhemina can't believe what you just said to your old english teacher, causing her to almost choke on her drink. ''What are you doing Y/N?'' Wilhemina asks shocked. ''Dance with me'' you say and you rest her cane on a nearby table and you hold her so she can balance on you. ''Did you really think I was gonna dance with another woman?'' you ask, Wilhemina looks down she didn't think you would actually do it but she still feared it. ''I wouldn't because Mina- I love you'' you say and Wilhemina's eyes go wide because you haven't exchanged those special words yet. Wilhemina opens her mouth to answer, her heart beating so fast ''I love you too Y/N truly'' she says and you both carry on dancing to the music together just enjoying each others company. 

After a while Wilhemina feels tired from dancing with you and she also needs to use the toilet so you hand her her cane again and you make your way to the toilet with her but you are stopped when you meet Steven, he did the online classes with you and you would sometimes email with him about some of the work. ''Oh hey I remember you from online class'' he says and you smile also remembering him and the jokes he would always do and make you laugh on the video calls. ''It's okay you two catch up I will be right back'' Wilhemina explains and heads to the bathroom. You and Steven catch up and he tells you about him hardly passing some classes. ''Oh hey Mike'' he says and Mike approaches and hugs Steven. ''Y/N this is my boyfriend'' he says and you shake hands with Mike. ''Nice to meet you'' he says and you nod. ''I'm sorry to steal him but my favorite song is playing'' he explains and pulls Steve away and he waves at you. You smile and make your way to the bathroom and as you turn around your face goes cold as you see Emma and her friends standing there with smug faces. ''Oh look who decided to actually show up again'' she teases and you feel like being in a nightmare all over again. You look around trying to find Mina but she isn't there. ''Aww who are you looking for?'' she says and you feel your fist clenching, at this point you are sick of her bullshit and teasing you and you feel angry. ''It's a shame you didn't succeed'' she starts to say but you cut her off ''No Emma you know whats a shame? it's you, you teasing people solely based on you being unhappy and self conscious I actually feel bad for you''. Everyone's eyes go wide and they look at you both with their jaws dropped, some of Emma's friends even had to hold in their laughter because truth to be told they only stick around with her because she is popular and otherwise she would also make fun of them and they are scared themselves. Emma turns to you with wide eyes and is about to think of something to answer back when you hear a familiar cane tapping. Wilhemina finds you standing there surrounded by a bunch of people, judging by everyones faces whatever is going on isn't good so you feel her hand on your shoulder ''Are you okay?'' she asks concerned and you are about to turn around and leave when Emma says ''Are you running off to mommy now?'' and now you have enough ''Excuse me?'' Wilhemina snaps and takes a step forward but you stop her and now it's your turn so you turn around quickly, take your fist and you smack it across Emma's smug face causing her to stumble back and a few of her friends catching her. Both Emma's friends and Wilhemina gasp because they didn't expect this reaction. You turn around and take Wilhemina's hand and walk out ''Are you- you okay?'' Wilhemina asks both completely proud of you and secretly turned on by your dark side but also concerned. ''I'm fine, please can we get out of here'' you say having enough of this evening and place. ''Of course'' she says and she pulls out her phone to call Matthew. While you both wait Wilhemina tells you about Jeff and Mutt offering the job and she got it for you as a graduation gift and it instantly cheers you up because you would love to work alongside her everyday. ''I can't wait to work with you'' you say with a smile trying to forget about the interaction you just had with Emma.

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