Joining cobra kai

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I left miyagi do Sam was sad about it I told her I was quitting karate to hide to real truth about where I was going. I walked into cobra Kai with my old gi Tory saw me and she tried to fight me. I told them I am not here to fight I am here to join kreese looked at me with a smile on his face. Kreese told me to get on the mat after I put my gi on so I go put it on and I get on the mat. Tory came up to me and said I know we have our problems but I hope we can solve them and plus it in nice to have another girl around.

I hear the bell ring and we all look over there and I see kyler, brucks and some other people. I saw Eli look at them because all the memories and I thought the same thing. Mitch went up to them and said I'm going to call you chodenose and taintbreath. Then when we starting our lesson he called me and kyler up to fight he said bring it princess and I said I beat you once so I really need to do it again hawk and Tory started going ohhhh. We both bowed I kicked him in the face and then did a perfect roundhouse I won but kreese said kyler was also good so he will stay I got to say he was not half bad.

It was time for Tory and some girl to fight. Tory was doing really good and then kreese told Tory to finish her and she kicked her in the face. The girl was upset that she lost and she said" you chipped my tooth bitch" Tory said " you needed braces anyway". Tory came back I gave her a fist bump and said nice. Kreese called brucks up and Eli said "HE'S MINE" I knew something bad was happening.

Brucks said"alright then let's see if I can fix that lip of yours then" Tory saw I wanted to kill him for saying that she calmed me down. I saw the grim reaper tattoo he had and I thought it was bad ass. When we were watching him we looked at each other worried but I kind of thought it was hot how he beat up someone who made fun of him. He punched him till he was bleeding a lot me and Tory were scared for him kyler looked terrified of him. Tory told me to come with her because she wanted me to go to her house after work so I went with her we were laughing and talking and then we stop once we see Miguel.

I just went inside and left them alone to talk I did not want to be a part of the whole cobra Kai miyagi do situation. I walked outside because I thought they were done I hear Miguel say " I know your helping your mom but you need help". He asked me if I was in cobra Kai I said no I just want all of this to stop I want us all to be friends and take down other people in the tournament not each other. I hugged him and he hugged back and told me he missed me I said the same but not like that and me and Tory went inside. Kreese made a plan where we sneak in a cobra into larusso auto this might teach him that he can't break my family apart.

Queen of miyagi-do जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें