Chapter 5

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Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed reading.

WARNING: Hurting yourself, blood.

Grendewalds pov. :

I woke up and go for a walk. I was really worried about Ashley. "What she is doing? Does she scared of me? Does she really like me?"
Whole time I was asking myself the same questions.
After walk I was on my way to breakfast I was worried because Ashley wasn't there. Usually she is at breakfast at that hour. I didn't really boder myself with that." She probably still sleep. Or just need some time to think about all"
Today she wasn't came to office, I understood that because recent events but I was still worried.
Before I was go to sleep I went check on Ashley, that she is okay. When I came to her room I wait some time I didn't know what to do. What she will say. I was really nerves. Then I dicided to knock on her door. But there was no respond.

Ashleys pov.:

Few hours ago when Ashley was alone in her room:

"I have enough men lying they all want the same"
Histericly crying
"He want just use you Ashley...
He don't love you Ashley. Listen to yourself, they all are the same...." you talking to yourself.
You are angry, confused, you feel a lot of emotions. You can't handel them so you grab knife and start cutting your wrist.

Grindewalds pov. :

When you don't answer him he is really worried and then he broke the door. He see you lying on the floor with knife in your hand. There is a lot of blood around your body. He check if you still breathing.
*you still breathing*
He quickly grab you and take you to hospital wing.

*In hospital*

He put you on the hospital bed and quickly call the nurse.
Nurse rush in the room and see you lying there cover in blood. You are uncounted. She grab her wand and start healing wounds on your wrist. Grindewald help her. The nurse tell Grindewald that you lose a lot of blood and that you need someone who will give you blood or you will die.
The Grindewald immediately say that he will give you blood. The nurse took some blood from Grindewalds arm and gave it to you. After blood transfusion Grindewald is tired because he lost a lot of blood. He sleep on bed next to yours.

Your(Ashly) pov. :

After few hours you wake up and see that you are in hospital wing. It took you few minutes to go in sitting position. When you finally sit you see that Grindewald sleeping right next to you. You want to call nurse because you must to go on toilet and you don't know if you can go but you also don't want to wake up mister Grindewald. You dicided to wait. After few minutes you again fall asleep. Few hours Grindewald woke up.

Grindewalds pov. :

I wake up and see Ashley sleeping. She was so cute. I really want to do something for her to feeling better.
"I really like you Ashley. Please don't think that I would ever harm you" he whisper and drag his finger into your check but you hear what he say.

Your(Ashly) pov. :

A: I like you too*she whisper*
G:Ashley you are awake
(He blush because you heared him)
A: yes and I really need to go on toilet.
G: of course....umm.... do you need any help.
A: ...umm....can you walk me to the toilet
(You could go alone but you feel dizzy and don't want to black out and stay uncounces on toilet)
G: okey come on.

He say as he help you get out of bed. You slowly walk towards toilet. You go on toilet and he wait you in front of door. You came out and he see blood on your trusers.

G: Ashley are you okey. You bleeding umm.... from your vegina.
A: ummm...(you feel really embarrassed) it's just period. I will need some pads.
G: okay I will call the nurse.

When nurse come to you Grindewald leave because he have work. And you must to stay at hospital wing for few more days because your wounds must entirely healed.

Grindewald came visit you twice a day to inform you about some work and to talk to you but you two didn't really talk much.

After few days you can leave hospital wing. and you return to work. A few days later there are few wizards who want to become a Grindewalds soldiers and he must to properly trained them. You are in your office.
Is already one week after you was in hospital wing. You working with some papers today and then Grindewald come to you:
Hello Ashley do you want to go to trained some soldiers with me?
A: Idk sir do you want me to go with you?
In his taughts" whats games she playing"
G: of course I want you to come with me.
A: that it's not what you said last time.
G: Ashley come on.
A: idk.
G: okay I will stop asking. I order you to come with me to train soliders today.
A: okay sir.

You two go out of castle to training spot.

Hello everyone I hope you were enjoying in reading this chapter btw I love you all.

900 words.

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