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Ted took a shortcut to the house of Aoc's grandmother and raced to the little house.
He knocked on the door.
The grandmother replied with "who is there?"
He spoke in a high voice.
He said that he was Alexandria and stepped over.
At first he punched her in the face.
After she was on the ground, he assassinated her and ate her.
She tasted old.
Then he lay down on her bed and fell asleep.
He dreamed that Alex ran to the medicine box.
With tears in her eyes, she took the medication and swallowed them all at once.
She went out of the bathroom. After a while she fell over and suddenly started twitching strangely.
The twitches grew stronger. After about 10 minutes she lay lifeless on the floor.
Ted turned over.
The dream went on.
MUMOC ran to AOC ...
Bad Ted woke up.
After 5 minutes, he just fell asleep again.
Clearly Alex grandmother was hard to digest.

AOC AND THE BAD TEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum