Chapter 10 - Preparations

Start from the beginning

"Well, regardless of who won what, it's good to see you May," Drew said nicely. May realized that Drew was being genuine and smiled. "I'm glad to see you, too," she responded. "A familiar face is relieving in a large hall like this." She looked around at the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

While this exchange was occurring, Serena quietly stood behind May, completely removed from the conversation. May had forgotten she was there until Serena coughed intentionally, causing May to turn to her and gasp out of embarrassment.

"Oh man, I forgot all about Serena!" May exclaimed, flustered. She turned back to Drew with her arm on Serena's shoulder. "This is Serena," she explained. "She's from the Kalos region and almost became Kalos Queen! And Serena, this is Drew, my old rival from when I participated in Hoenn contests while I was traveling the region with some old friends."

Serena stuck out her hand in a friendly manner, saying, "It's nice to meet you, Drew!" In response, Drew frowned, and instead of shaking Serena's hand, he waved it away with disgust. May knew that Drew could be difficult at times, but what he had just done was extremely rude. Frowning, she asked him, "Why are you being rude? Did she offend you or something?"

Drew scoffed and turned away from the duo. "I have never liked Kalos and its so-called 'Pokemon performances'. They don't require any skill," He explained with disgust laced in his voice. "I'm surprised she's even attempting to participate in Contests," he said, nodding towards Serena in a defaming fashion.

Serena puffed her cheek, insulted by Drew's words and tired of his snobby attitude. "I have as much reason to be here as anybody else!" she argued, her arms flailing. "I'll prove you wrong in this Contest by beating you and everybody else!" She crossed her arms and awaited a response.

Drew angrily stared at her and sighed. "Pointlessly making promises that you can't keep doesn't get you anywhere," he snarkily said. Ignoring Serena's now angrier face, he turned towards May, who was one more remark away from stomping away.

"Make sure Serena doesn't get her feelings hurt when she loses," Drew said. "It would be a shame when my victory is tainted by a miserable loser." Both Serena and May were livid at Drew's statement. Before either of them could get any form of rebuttal out, Drew walked away, having made his mark on the two.

Serena gritted her teeth as she watched Drew walk away. I'll show him who the loser is, she thought. Then he'll see how good Kalos performers can be! She felt May tap on her shoulder, looking worried for her friend who had just gotten badly insulted.

"Are you okay, Serena?" May asked. "That jerk said some harsh things." She looked apologetic for his actions, even though she was clearly against them. Serena boldly nodded. "I'm fine. In fact, I'm more than fine! I'm ready to kick Drew's butt!" May looked at her friend in awe, seeing the determination radiate from Serena's face. "Yeah! Let's both go out there today and show him who's boss!" She responded excitedly.

"Why don't we head to the waiting room," Serena suggested, adjusting the strap on her bag. "Right! Let's have a good performance," May responded, giving Serena a small fistbump as they made their way down a hallway that led to the waiting room. As they entered, they were met with countless other Coordinators, all working hard to achieve the ideal outfit.

Both coordinators smiled at each other as they made their way through the cesspool, eventually reaching two open changing rooms right next to each other. "Good luck," May said to Serena, who nodded and entered her changing room, clutching the bag that held her outfit.

Serena closed the curtain and set the bag down, taking a deep breath. She knew it was going to be hard trying to convince Drew that she was Contest material, but she had to try no matter what. Besides, even if I do lose, who cares? She told herself as she gingerly laid out each piece of her outfit on the bench. I'm not going to let an idiot like him ruin my dream.

She reached into her bag for the final piece, expecting to pull out the ribbon that she had made just for Braixen. Instead, her hand met a warm, glossy surface; she initially pulled her hand back but realized quickly that it was the crystal that she had discovered on the plane.

Grabbing it and setting it down upon the clothing, Serena stared intensely at it. It was now glowing again, but this time it had begun flickering, unable to maintain its shine for any given moment. "That's weird," she whispered to herself, peering at it inquisitively and poking it.

She ultimately shrugged it off, placing it delicately back in her bag. I need to focus on the Contest, she reminded herself strictly. Not worry about some small little gem. She grabbed Braixen's Pokeball and released her into the room. "Alright, Braixen. Are you ready?" She whispered as Braixen looked around and realized where they were.

"Brai!" Braixen was excited and had been practicing with Serena extensively, so it was apparent that she was more than ready. "Great," Serena said with a smile. "Then how about we get this outfit looking fabulous on you?" Braixen smiled as Serena rummaged through the pile of clothing. We aren't going to lose. I'm sure of it!


Z sat upon his leather chair, staring at the monitor in front of him that displayed an image of Ash's mysterious Z-Crystal. "I'd like you to explain it again for me, Lynx," he muttered to a man in a lab coat beside him. "So that I can fully understand how to proceed." The man, whose name was actually Lukas, was a scientist that had been practically forced to come work at the underground lair for Z.

"You've asked me to analyze the crystals that gave off the energy readings in Olivine City," Lukas explained in an exasperated manner. "I've done that, and all I tell you now is that there is a small possibility that you can manipulate them to your liking." Z grinned, his smile appearing right below his mask.

"And how does one manipulate these crystals?" Z asked, standing up and walking closer to the monitor. "Sir, I believe I could construct a machine that could send out energy waves. They would interact with the crystals and cause them to activate," Lukas explained, sweat forming on his forehead.

Z turned around and noticed Lukas's uncomfortable disposition. "What's the matter? Does something bother you about this?" He asked in a threatening manner. Lukas shuffled his feet awkwardly. "Sir, I believe this could cause too much damage. The capabilities of those Z-Crystals are beyond our understanding," he said cautiously.

"Excellent!" Z suddenly roared, his maniacal nature bleeding into his voice. Lukas took a step back and considered running into the tunnels where he could hopefully escape. "Damage is the ideal outcome! Not only will that boy be exactly where I need him, but I can also cause some collateral damage while I'm at it!" Z yelled, staring greedily at Lukas.

"No time to waste! Get to work on that machine!" Lukas sat there, frozen at Z's display of insanity. "NOW!" The reprimands snapped him back to reality; he licked his lips in fear. "Y-Yes, sir!" Z watched as Lukas exited the room, excitement trembling all over his body. "Absolutely. Damage is the ideal outcome!" He repeated to himself, falling back and allowing his leather chair to catch him.

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