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The strange man took Kiara back to her quarters after he finished cleaning up her mess for her

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The strange man took Kiara back to her quarters after he finished cleaning up her mess for her. He didn't speak a word to her, nor judged her for her actions. In the few moments he was with her, he was quiet and allowed her to work through her emotions. She was grieving. Although her father could have been saved by the practices of a doctor, the stranger decided to dispose of him to protect the young cadet. He had seen her at the graduation earlier in the day and knew she was an honorable cadet. 

* * *

After Kiara and Eren decided to join the scouts, apparently many of their comrades had questioned Eren about it while Kiara was gone from the mess hall. Eren, apparently, had given a very inspirational speech to his fellow cadets and influenced others to join the scout regiment as well. Besides Mikasa and Armin, many others joined them, keeping some of the best of their graduating class together under the Scout Regiment. 

Although they had chosen their paths in the military, they had not been stationed yet in their regiment. They still had chores to accomplish under the general military. Kiara was quietly cleaning the cannons along the current outermost wall, Wall Rose, right outside the city of Trost. She had been thinking of her actions from the previous night and who was that strange man that had come to protect her. Guilt was consuming her and she wasn't chatting with her friends as she used to. She was looking over the horizon, looking over the land of land that was to be reclaimed by the scouts. She took a deep breath, "this is what I focus on now, or it'll all be for nothing."

She needed to turn her attention to something else and forget all about the previous nights' events. She wasn't sure why things happened the way they did, but, she knew that if she were to linger on them, she would forever be desperately looking for answers that she would never receive. So, instead, she should use her energy on her work. 

Kiara's train of thought was interrupted when she felt a sudden, hot gush of wind hit her face. The sound of an explosion went off a few miles down the wall. Her eyes flickered over to the source of the sound and she spotted an enormous titan. Bigger than the dummies her commanders made her practice with. This titan was certainly abnormal--from what she learned in her classes. It had no skin, and its muscles beneath were revealed, as if its flesh had burnt off. It was emitting a hot smoke, possibly from the sheer heat coming off its body. It was a terrifying scene. 

But, Kiara couldn't quite figure out how it just appeared out of thin air before her. She had been watching the distance and didn't see this colossal titan approach the wall. Now, after a sudden explosion, it appeared right before the wall? It was taller than the wall, its head managing to peek over the edge of it. Kiara's comrades that were near the appearance of the titan were blown away like leaves off the wall due to the explosion. 

This was Kiara's first encounter with a titan. And for it to be the colossal... it blew her away. Fear rang throughout her body. It was one thing to attack wooden cutouts of titans, but for it to be there standing before her...utter terror flowed through her. 

Complicated ▹Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now