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synopsis // meet spidergguk and
friends! jeongguk gets a puppy

Everyday, without fail, Jeongguk is late to school. The concept of alarms are useless, he sleeps through all of them. Had it not been for that radiated spider bite, he would be consistently winded on the daily from running the entire way to school. And of course, maybe he would swing, but it's hard to do that in the middle of morning rush. At least, he can't do that without his mask.

Slipping into his seat at the back, waving the green slip in the air lightly, the first one to notice his appearance is Park Jimin, known best-friend and sidekick. The more popular and in general likable charming version of Jeongguk. Just slightly shorter.

"What's the excuse this time?" He hisses. "Captain America?"

"No." He grumbles. "Captain Crunch."

Jimin's about to let out a loud guffaw, probably get the both of them in trouble again, when someone kicks their shoe roughly against his. Jimin glances down, then scowls at the girl next to him. Oh those evil Mary Jane loafers.

"Sorry." She says, very unapologetic. He can see the ghost of a smirk on Kitanna's face. "I'm trying to focus."

"Bullshit." The other remarks. "You definitely know everything our prof is talking about already."

At the Accelerated Academy for the Sciences and Arts (AASA for short, Jimin just calls it ASS) their school was split into two distinct sections; one for the sciences and one for fine arts. At the age of thirteen, they would take a test to be accepted at AASA, it was slightly selective. Both Kit and Jimin had been accepted into the Sciences School, while Jeongguk chose Fine Arts. For the most part, they had different classes, but the general courses like calculus, chemistry, etc. overlapped between both schools. Which is how the trio end up sitting next to each other.

"Yeah well, detention isn't a good look on you Park."

He slicks back his hair. "Detention helps keep up the bad boy facade, Jung."

"Facade?" She snorts under her breath. "You freak out when there's a lizard in the bathroom."

"Gee thanks for exposing that to the world." Jimin hisses back. "Now I have to go cry about it in my diary."

"Mm." Her eyes dont leave the board, and Jeongguk watches her push the glasses further up her nose. "That seems apt to something you would do."

Somehow the morning passes into afternoon, slowly but it does. When the final bell dismisses, Jeongguk sees himself racing down the hall like many of the others eager to leave. Already messages pop up on his phone as he leaves. The first is from Jimin, of which he asks to 'swing by later.'

Jimin is aware of Jeongguk's little part-time job. Swinging in the streets at night, the lack of sleep is his main reason of being late to class almost everyday. Kitanna thinks it's his bad sleeping pattern.

This is a pattern with her. Almost on the dot he expects a message from her complaining about yet another one of her friends, and it shows up almost right after Jimin's. Kitanna's like that, not a single confrontational bone in her body, but she will have a whole soap bar in her mouth for the amount of garbage she spews about others who agitate her.

Jeongguk honestly wonders what she would think...if she knew. Why hadn't he told her? Well, Jimin knew only upon accident. He had snuck into his room while Jeongguk had been on an excursion, catching the masked red and blue hero return from his job of fighting crime on the streets. The popular only stared with a slack jaw, before asking "you're spiderman?".

Yeah since then it's the only thing they really talk about whenever Kit isn't around. She's been suspicious of the secrets they keep from her, but somehow she hasn't put the pieces together. Thankfully. He really doesn't know how she would react had she known.

The anonymity is one of the more charming assets to his face as a superhero. The world does not know Spiderman is just some artsy teenager who listens to an unhealthy amount of British rock. The less people who know, the better. Setting up the division lets him keep the normalcy he has.

Well, it's not exactly super normal.

"Hey knock it off." Landing gently onto the pavement, the webbed hero approaches the scene. Definitely the works of scalawags; they stand around kicking around a stray. Underneath the mask, Jeongguk's lip curls in disappointment.

At the sight of the hero, they quickly scram, faces of shock, astonishment, a little bit of fear mixed in. The night air is cool when Jeongguk picks up his pace, light jogs towards the abandoned dog. Poor thing.

When the coast is clear, he pulls off his mask, setting it onto the crook of his knee when he sits. A hand reaches out to smooth the head of the dog. If it were a cartoon, surely the dog would be similar to that one Scottish-terrier from Lady and the Tramp.

He has a soft heart. And Jeongguk knows his aunt is going to kill him when she sees the puppy in her living room the next morning.

a/n: mary jane shoes are super
cute, and a signature piece on
our main character kitanna or
"kit". it's a little play on her
character since Spider-Man's
love interest in the comics is
in fact Mary Jane so i hope you
enjoyed that reference.

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