"Thanks for inviting me up here."


I was right. I'm the only one up here. But why?
We finally met each other's eyes for the first time since coming up there. Harry's eyes were an emerald green, and he had long locks of messy brown hair. The wind blew his hair everywhere, revealing the lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead.

It became awkward too quickly. I had no idea where to even begin. After all, it was just me and Harry. But it has always been me and Harry. From group projects in Herbology to daily meals in the Great Hall, he was always there with me during all of it. When I had no one to talk to, he was always there. He had given me a chance despite my reputation. He saw me for who I truly was and even introduced me to some of his friends who all happened to be Gryffindors. They all seemed to grow fond of me even though I was a Slytherin. Harry made me feel as if I truly belonged, as if I didn't have to be who others told me to be.

Harry even had taught me several new things. One day, Harry had taught me the rules of Quidditch.
(Flash back from second year):
"Really the main purpose is to throw the
quaffle into the goal," explained Harry.

"Well of course I knew that."

He chuckled at my response.

"So do you understand now?"

"I do now. Thank you."

His face appeared to have lighten up at my words. It was as if he had just won the Quidditch Cup three times in a row.

"You're welcome."
The other day, Harry asked if I wanted to come with him and some of his friends to go study down by the lake. Unfortunately, I had already made plans with Draco, Blaise, and Pansy to visit Hogsmede for a day. Draco's dad was off work for a day and offered to take the three of us. At that time, Harry did not look happy but rather disappointed. He simply told me to have fun and was back on his merry way. I felt sort of bad but I could not have canceled my current plans at that time.

Now me and him stand side by side on the top of the Astronomy Tower.

As we stood, I realized that Harry most likely brought me up here with a purpose in mind. It was just us and nobody else. There had to be something else on his mind: a reason perhaps. But what could that possibly even be? Was I over exaggerating? I did not want to care but my curiosity had made me wonder.

"So how was your trip to Hogsmede?"

"Great actually. I had fun." I answered.

"What all did you buy?"

"Just some candy and a sweatshirt."

"The sweatshirt you are wearing now?"

"Yes actually."

It was a simple green tie-dyed sweatshirt with the word Slytherin imprinted in bold, white letters. It was sort of basic, but it was notably comfortable.

There were so many questions, yet something more lingered in the air. So what if I did like Harry? Would if I did feel some odd sense of feeling towards him? We are here. No one else is in sight. I wanted to forget that feeling, but I also wanted to admit it. I couldn't pull myself together to face the truth- the truth that Harry was all I thought about most nights. His presence, the slightest touch of his fingers, those few seconds I remembered of me being held in his arms in DADA class- I couldn't get him off my mind, and that truly frightened me.

"Have you thought about trying out for Quidditch yet?" questioned Harry.

"Maybe. I think I might try out next year. Except I haven't even touched a broom since first year."

Unmatched HatredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora