"I'd like for everyone to meet our newest agent. Everyone, this is Y/N Y/L/N." You give the group a small wave as he motions to you. "Let's all do our best to make her feel welcome here." His tone told you that there was an underlying message to what he was saying, like there was a different meaning behind the words that you had no idea about.

"These are Agents Morgan, Jareau, Rossi, Dr. Reid, and our tech analyst, Penelope Garcia." You go around and shake the hands of all the agents, and you could already feel the tension in the air, but try to ignore it for the sake of making a good first impression. You were getting the vibe that they didn't want you here but tried to hide it for the sake of their boss telling them so. From what you could see so far, Jennifer and Penelope seemed the warmest of the bunch.

When you finally reached the man at the end of the table, you hold out your hand for a shake and it was only then that he looks up from his file to acknowledge your presence. He glances down to your outstretched hand before he returns to look you in the eyes once more, narrowing them slightly. "I don't shake hands," he states matter-of-factly before looking down at the file in front of him once more. You anxiously pull your hand back and take the seat at the end of the table, furthest away from the rest of the team.

Penelope comes around and slides a folder in front of you, giving you an apologetic look before returning to the front of the room and beginning the briefing. You have your own thoughts about the case but ultimately decide against voicing your opinion, especially since you already have a feeling that they don't like you, and you don't want to make it worse by talking and possibly setting them off on the wrong trail. From what you could already tell, Dr. Reid was the genius of the group, which was probably why he was so pompous when you introduced yourself. Maybe it was because you're new and they all need some time to warm up to you. So you decide to give them the benefit of the doubt and be as nice as possible to them. If they don't want to be your friend then you could live with that, but you want to be respected by them as a colleague and be treated as an equal.

The case was not anything too extravagant, high-class men were being slaughtered in their own homes. They were being murdered executioner style with one single bullet to the head, and the blood from the scene being cleaned up after the death.

You listen intently as the team begins to briefly discuss the case, deciding to keep quiet and listen attentively. "Wheels up in thirty," Agent Hotchner juts his head toward the door and you follow him out. "I'll be taking you to the jet now. Do you have a go-bag?" You nod, walking over to your desk and grabbing the bag you had put under it earlier. You catch a glimpse of Dr. Reid walking away from his desk and toward the elevator-- the desk direct adjacent to yours. He notices you grabbing your go-bag as he exits and huffs in annoyance and rolls his eyes when you give him a small smile.

You walk back over to Agent Hotchner's office where he is already waiting for you to show you the way to the jet. He motions you inside the elevator and you step inside, watching as he presses the button for the floor that will take you to where they keep the jet. "They're nice people." He said, breaking the silence. You turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow, hoping for some clarification. "The team," he clarifies. "They're nice people. They just- they don't like change very much."

"I'm sure they are, sir." You rock back and forth on your heels as you were unsure of what to say now.

"Oh, and please, non of that sir nonsense. You're part of the team now, so feel free to just call me Hotch, everyone else does." You give him a small smile which is not returned as he leads you over to the jet for the BAU. It was nice. Very nice. You could most definitely get used to this.

When you enter onto the jet, everyone already appears to be in their own worlds and you like you're back in high school again, trying to decide where to sit in the cafeteria. You eventually decide to give in and decide to take the lone seat across from Jennifer- or JJ, she'd told you to call her. She seems like she is the nicest one in the group so far, her and Penelope, and it would be nice to feel like at least one person likes you. But, you also remember what Hotch told you on the elevator, so you're hoping that they will come around eventually, even if some are particularly more difficult than others -some meaning Dr. Spencer Reid himself.

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