Chapter 5: It's A Wild Gran Torino!

Start from the beginning

After running with Gran Torino on his back for about 40 minutes, Izuku arrived at the forest near his city. They entered the forest for about five minutes of jogging on an old trail and they found a small open field area in between all of the trees. "Let's stop here since this is a good spot since it gives us enough space to move around." Gran Torino said as he jumped off Izuku's back. Izuku pulled a water bottle out of his bag and drank a bit of it before putting it back. He was glad he stocked the bag with energy bars and water to help him. He then looked at Gran Torino who was looking around before looking back at Izuku. "Okay kid, I want you to tell me about your quirk. Give me what you think it is and then let's go from there." Gran Torino stated and Izuku looked confused. "It's a stockpiling quirk that enhances my body. The energy grows with each passing as it is built up by each user before they pass it along. That is why it's breaking my body due to All Might building it up so much that I can't contain it when I punch something." Izuku stated and Gran Torino moved his head a bit and looked at Izuku. Then Izuku was shocked when Gran Torino said that Izuku was limiting himself and was off slightly.

"Think of what it does and tell me what you are doing wrong. You have the pieces, you are just not seeing it because you are limiting yourself. Until you get it I want you to start doing push-ups." Gran Torino said as he got on Izuku's back for extra weight. Izuku started to do the push-ups and thought about why he was limiting himself. "How am I limiting myself... I am using the quirk like All Might is? I am bringing the energy up into my body and punching...." Izuku said while he muttered and Gran Torino listened in. 'That's apart of your problem kid... you're trying to copy All Might...' Gran Torino thought as he just sat on Izuku's back.

Soon a few hours passed and Gran Torino kept making Izuku switched to different workouts from planking, push-ups, pull-ups off a tree branch, doing running around a part of the path and back, and to many other things. Gran Torino would also from time to time attack Izuku and force him to dodge and try to block the attacks. However, Gran Torino was fast with his quirk and landed a lot of hits into Izuku's stomach or back. Izuku had even thrown up a few times as well due to the force of the kicks.

As the night was coming to a close, Izuku froze while he was cooking the food. Gran Torino had made a fire pit with some rocks and twigs and started a fire. He then went and caught fish out of the small river that flowed through the forest area and made Izuku cook them. As Izuku was sitting there frozen he was looking at the fish. He then placed one part of the fish in the fire too much and it burned. "What the hell are you doing kid? If you put it too much in one --" Gran Torino was saying but was cut off. "I need to distribute it... god I was so stupid!" Izuku thought as he stood up and said he was the fish! Gran Torino looked at him as if Izuku had gone crazy.

"Are you okay kid? Did I push you too far?" he asked Izuku who shook his head. "No, no, no! I am the fish and one for all is the fire... I mean... ugh! It's... I've been putting too much power into one portion of my body! Instead of doing that I need to distribute the power across my entire body to increase my ability to handle it. It's like cooking the fish, if you leave it in one spot only then it burns while everything else stays uncooked! It's similar to my body and One For All. If I put too much power in one spot then I blow up and break but if I were to distribute it then I can handle more power! The problem now is... the power max I can hold!" Izuku stated with a smile on his face and Gran Torino nodded his head. "Congratulations kid, and you got it in one day. Now, moving forward we will work on limiting the output and getting you to the correct power output that your body can handle. Once we find that out we can train your body up more and the more you use One For All the better adapted your body will be to it and will be able to handle more of it." Gran Torino said and Izuku asked him if he knew what he was doing wrong the entire time and Gran Torino nodded his head which confused Izuku.

"Kid, if you are just given the answer then you won't learn to think the problems out yourself or how to teach the 10th user later on in the future. I think that is where Toshinori lacks since he was able to handle all 100% unlike you. He received it when he was far buffer than you and the quirk was far weaker as such he didn't have these issues. However, you now know the correct way to apply the quirk moving forward and we just need to work on output but let's hold off until tomorrow. It's getting late and I want more than fish so let's head to your home. I've just texted your mother we are heading back." Gran Torino stated and Izuku nodded his head as he packed everything up and put the fire out and made sure the embers were all cold. Then Gran Torino got onto Izuku's back and they left again as Izuku did the 45 minutes run from the forest to the house again. 

Izuku could be seen panting on the floor in his living room as he was dead tired. Gran Torino was just laughing his ass off as All Might was trembling in a corner and Inko was trying to see if her son was okay. Izuku soon made his way into the couch and sat there. "I can see why dads' terrified of you," Izuku muttered and Gran Torino looked at him with a smile. "Oh, kid... that was nothing. Wait until we get your quirk under control." Gran Torino said and Izuku paled. "Speaking of quirks, any progress?" All Might asked far away from Gran Torino and Izuku lit up like a Christmas tree and Gran Torino just shook his head with a laugh. 

"Actually yes! We figured out what I was doing wrong but didn't get to test how much I can use. We're holding off until tomorrow but I was being an idiot and putting everything into just my arms or legs and that was destroying my body. Instead, I need to distribute everything across my entire body but we need to test to see what percentage I can currently use." Izuku said with a smile and All Might was glad. Inko was glad as well since it meant getting closer to Izuku not blowing his body up. Soon they all sat down and started to eat dinner. Inko had asked Gran Torino where he was staying while in town and he said he was going to check into a local hotel but she wouldn't have it and wanted him to stay in the spare room that they had which he gave into and agreed to do. 

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