The Help

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Fitz was angry at Tam. For breaking his sister's heart mostly.

But honestly, he'd never wish death on his worst enemy. Biana asked him to go grab a water bottle from the continence store right by the school, because she'd drank all her water, and that's when he found Tam about to walk into oncoming traffic.

He grabbed his wrist. 

Tam's cheeks were stained with dry tears as he yelled, "What'd you do that for!?"

"Why were you going to kill yourself." Fitz asked instead.

"Because I can't live with the pain of hurting Biana. I need it to go away!"

"Killing yourself would only hurt Biana more! She loves you a lot. I catch her turning around to tell you something, before realizing you're not there. Make things right Tam."

Tam yanked his wrist away. 

"I can't." And then he jumped into the street."

The Dare-Tiana (BianaxTam)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें