The Confession

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To say Biana Vacker was hopeless romantic was correct. She thought that everyone had that one person they belonged with. 

To say Biana Vacker was strong willed was also correct. She's dealt with her father being in a coma, her brother betraying them, and so much more.

But to say Biana Vacker was a weak prissy rich girl was incorrect. She was the strongest person you'd ever meet, and didn't talk about her wealth. She was so kind and even convinced her parents to donate to a different charity every Christmas instead of getting her a huge expensive gift like they did for Fitz.

But Biana was a girly girl, she loved musicals that had happy endings (usually ones with beautiful love stories) and she shopped. 

But she shopped at small businesses, and at thrift stores and flea markets. And she bought stuff on Etsy. She hated buying at huge consumer stores that took up most of the economy.

So yes, Biana Vacker had layers. Just when you thought you knew her she turns out to be different.

Which is why Lihn went to Biana first.

The Song twins sat opposite of Biana at Everglen Manor, and Biana couldn't help but notice Tam.

Sure they've interacted before, but Biana always found herself looking at him. He was cute, you can't blame her. And he was different, not at all like the guys everyone thought she would be interested in.

"Biana, I have to tell you something." Lihn finally said.

Biana looked at her friend, giving her a kind smile and made sure her face was one that made people felt like opening up to.

"Tam and I had been homeless for about a year, and we didn't tell you. But then Wylie found out and now we're staying with Tiergan."

Biana's smile disappeared, and thought about what to say. "I'm very sorry about that." She said finally. "Did anyone else know?"

"Just Dex." Lihn said.

After a bit more silence, Biana responded. "You know you can tell me anything. I could have helped."

Lihn responded by hugged her friend. "Thank you so much for understanding."

Biana smiled. "Of course. Are you going to tell everyone else?"

Lihn nodded. "I wanted to come to you first."

Biana smiled, and she swore Tam was staring at her.

The weeks that followed were happy times. Tam became a friend to the whole group, and everyone helped the twins move into Tiergan's house.

Biana couldn't help but develop a crush on Tam after getting to know him. But pressuring someone always made her feel terrible, so she never flirted, she acted like a true friend.

But a month later, Tam asked her out.

"Hey Biana, can I talk to you?" Everyone had been at Havenfield when Tam asked to pull her aside.

"Sure Tam." Biana smiled at him and stood up.

Once they were alone, Tam looked at her for a couple seconds.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Biana asked.

"I like you Biana. I like you a lot. I was wondering, if you'd like to go on a date?" 

It was like something out of a movie in Biana's eyes. Awkward, but perfectly Tam.

"I'd love to? How about tomorrow?"

Tam gave her a smile. "Of course. I'll pick you up at six."

"Kiss her!" Someone else squealed.

"Dex!" Sophie cried.

"They were in the middle of a moment!" Marella added.

Their friends all tumbled out of the doorway as Sophie and Marella both scolded Dex.

But to Biana it was perfect.

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