●Hunting (Fluff/Implied Smut)●

Start from the beginning

Will nudged through apples, plucking up a few to inspect them before setting them in his lover's basket. His fingers wrapped around a lush red one, thumb running over the waxy skin to feel for any soft parts. That's when a whine sounded through the market, a desperate and painful sound that caused even Hannibal's heart to twinge.

Will froze in his place, face falling into a blank line. His fingers clutched at the apple, threatening to crush it in his grip. Shouting followed, a thick and angry curse that reprimanded the dog.

Hannibal hadn't seen the man's bloodlust come so quickly before. Even with the dragon, it had been a slow build to the defining moment. Now, it flooded clear into his stormy blue eyes, accompanying pure rage. He watched as Will turned, raising his arm with the apple still clasped in his hand.

Just before his husband could throw the apple at the owner, he grabbed his wrist and carefully forced it back down. Will's fury was now directed at him, a shout placing itself just on his tongue. Hannibal eased the apple from his hand and placed it in his basket.

"Go tend to the canine. I will talk with the owner." Hannibal spoke quietly. The words immediately registered within the latter's mind and his gaze softened.

He watched Will jog off toward the cowering animal. Lifting a hand, he calmly beckoned the owner over. The man's demeanor seemed to immediately shift, the aggression toward the animal melting away and being replaced by an attentive smile.

"I'm afraid I can't find the yellow peppers. Do you carry them?" Hannibal questioned in careful French. From the corner of his eye, he could see Will knelt down with a hand carefully out to the dog.

The owner gave his mumbles of confirmation and led him over toward the now dwindling stock. Hannibal followed after, humming out his words of appreciation.

"Bit of a maze here, hard to find certain things." The owner brushed it off, giving Hannibal a broadened smile. He had an ego, one that he knew Will would crush the moment he was set loose on the man.

"Must have slipped past my gaze." Hannibal gave a nod.

"I haven't seen you around before, and I know most of the locals. You new?" The man questioned, continuing the conversation even as Hannibal turned to examine the peppers.

"My husband and I moved into the outskirts of town 6 months ago." He explained, picking up the yellow piece and placing it with the others. Turning, he offered out his hand in a polite introduction. "Harrison Lancaster."

"Ansel Windsor. Nice to finally meet you." The owner introduced, shaking his hand. Hannibal gave a smile, knowing the more information he squeezed from the man the easier it would be to track him down.

"I must compliment the state of the produce. I'm sure it's hard to find ripened fruits and vegetables this time of year." Hannibal complimented, forcing down the annoyance that pricked within his head. Ansel seemed to beam at the words.

"I work hard on my produce. Want to make sure it's presentable to customers. Apologize for the shouting earlier, mangy mutt was trying to get a hold of some food." The owner nodded, the words clearly going to his head. Hannibal himself hated forms of animal cruelty and abuse, and was throughly tempted to hurt the man as well.

"Commendable. I think that's all I'll be needing, allow me to pay." He forced a smile, snatching up one of the business cards stationed in front of the cash register. Paying quickly, he allowed Ansel to bag his groceries before making his way over to his husband.

Will was knelt by the dog, running a hand over her dirty fur. His gloves had been discarded into his pocket and he was searching her for injuries. The dog was medium sized, short black, white, and reddish fur spotted with dirt and grim. Bones shown through her skin and she seemed dehydrated.

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