10 | He named her Carrie!

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"Shall we try this again?" Julie asks, hovering her fingers above the keyboard keys, ready to start playing again.

Yes! -please, but remind us later, there are some sunset curve songs, that we wanna show you.

"Ooh, show me now" Jules grins, pushing the microphone stand away from her face

"Yeah ok!" Luke says, kneeling down to grab his notebook. " Home is where my horse is'" He reads aloud, "Reggie, stop putting your country song's in my journal.!"

"that was a gift" Reggie grins, walking over to stand beside him

"Thanks, buddy" Luke rolls his eyes before practically bouncing over to Julie.

"So, was happening between you and Reginald?" Alex whispers in my ear from behind me, making me swing my arm around, and slap him in the face instinctively. "that... weirdly didn't hurt" He mutters, rubbing his face.

"sorry... and what? N-nothing is going on between me and Reg" I splutter

"Smooth" He smirks, "We literally share... cells or something... I don't know! I never paid attention in freaking geology! Anyway, my point is, there is something going on between you and Reggie" He grins,

"First of all, we definitely don't share cells, secondly, I think you meant biology, and there isn't-"

"That ones not dog-eared!" Luke interrupts me, as Julie, pulls his notebook closer to her, so he can't rip it out of her hands.

"If you could only know, that I never let you go" Julie reads out, making me bite my lip, knowing what that song meant to Luke "Wow Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic" She giggles

"He's not." Alex butts in, "That one is actually about-"

"no one" Luke cuts him off, "That's just uh something that I tried and..." He says, reaching out to try to grab his book back from Julie, who just pulls it in close to herself again. "But if you go to the next dog-eared page, It's got a tune, that's just... it's got a killer beat." He trails off as Julie flips through to the next page.

Luke jumps backwards and starts playing the tune of the song on his guitar

"So you wanna sample?" Julie asks, making us all look up at her in confusion

"What do you mean sample?" I humourlessly laugh

"Sample someone else's music" Julie explains, making us all raise our eyebrows, "Me and my Mum used to sing that song all the time at the top of our lungs. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song"

Nope!" Luke says, popping the p. "It's a classic our song" Grabbing the book off of the keyboard.

"Pure sunset curve, never even heard of Trevor Wilson" Reggie speaks up

"Yeah, maybe you're mixing it up you know, with another song?" Alex says

"I don't mix up songs, trust me" Julie grins. "Me and his daughter use to be best friends. I used to hang out at their place all the time. He had this weird thing for my Mum though... but my point is I know that song" She rambles

"O-kay" Alex mutters, raising his eyebrows and turning away from Julie

"Here, let me show you," She says, pulling out her laptop. "his first album had a bunch of hits, but none of his latest stuff is as good" She explains, turning the screen around so we could see it.

"That's Bobby," Luke says, staring blankly at the image

"Seriously, I just told you his name's Trevor"

"Ok, great, then he changed it alright"

"That's definitely Bobby, he was our other rhythm guitarist," I say, still staring blankly at the image of our backstabbing bandmember

"Trevor Wilson was in your band?" Julie scoffs,

"I can't get over how old he looks," Reggie says, scrunching up his nose,

"He looks like a substitute teacher" Alex groans

"A hippy substitute teacher" I add shaking my head.

"Julie... what were his other hits?" Luke asks hesitantly.

"Get Lost" She offers,

"Yeah, I wrote that," Luke says, visibly getting more and more agitated by the second

"Long weekend?"

"Yeah, Luke wrote that one too," Reggie says,

"Cooked teeth?" Julie asks her voice rising

"And that!" Alex says. "it was about Reggie"

"What!? I thought it was about you! I don't like that song anymore" He pouts, and storms off. If it was any other situation, I would have laughed and gone and hugged him, but right now, I was glued to the spot.

"Wait... this is...freaking me out!" Julie says,

"it's freaking you out?" I mutter

"Trevor's songs are kinda big to me. He's the one who introduced me to rock"

"Yeah, Luke introduced you to rock" Alex huffs, with a forced laugh

"So this whole time, I thought you were connected to my Mum, but instead you're connected to Carries Dad" She blurts out. I wander over to the beanbag Alex had just sat in and sit in his lap.

"Of all people, it has to be the one girl who has it out for me" Julie groans,

"Alright we'll add it to our list of questions," Alex says,

"Back when Carrie and I use to be friends-"

"Wait did you just say, Carrie?" I ask, her words finally processing in my head. "He named his daughter Carrie?" A wave of complete anger and hatred runs through me. I stiffly stand up from the beanbag, and walk outside, no one tries to stop me. I sit outside on the wall, feeling numb. There's no way, Bobby named his daughter Carrie, we all knew me and Bobby didn't like each other, but we never hated each other... or at least I used to not hate him. Now I just felt a boiling hatred towards him.


"Um, Lex... you okay?" Reggie asks, walking over to me. I hastily wipe my tears away, and turn to face him, with a forced smile,

"I'm okay, Reg" I sniffle,

"You ready to go haunt the asshole we used to call a bandmate?" He chuckles




Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not posting in two weeks!

Also, this is a pretty short filler chapter,

Who, do ya'll think the old Carrie was? Why is Lexi so angry about it?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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