01 | Now or Never

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I shift around in my cover's to face an empty bed on the other side of the room, I rub my

eyes and sit up, as I hear shouting coming from the other side of the house.






"SO, WHAT AM I THE NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOUR?" These words are left hanging in the air I

bite my lip, as I realise what Alex had done


"WELL, I GUESS I'M NOT YOUR SON!" I jump as the front door slams shut. I scramble out of bed, and quickly pull on a pair of black ripped jeans, a dark faded bad tee, a flannel, and my red converse. I hesitate and grab my acoustic, before running, through the house, and out the door. I grab my bike, and pedal down the street, my guitar strapped onto my back.


I drop my bike on the floor and make my way over to behind the large Hollywood sign. Alex was leaning against the back of the big 'W' idly twirling his drumsticks through is fingers.

"You k?" I ask softly sitting down next to my brother, pulling my guitar into my lap

"No" Alex answers dejectedly before placing his drumsticks onto the ground and starting to run his fingers through my hair.

"Would me playing something help?" I ask gesturing to my guitar,

"would you sing?" Alex asks hopefully, starting to braid half of my blonde hair. I bite my lip, I've hated singing, ever since I had been laughed at when I was 14. Everyone else insisted that I had a rich, sweet voice

"Please, Lexi"

I take in a deep breath, Before strumming my guitar


That was two months ago, the last time I had sung. Since then, Me and Alex and been mostly staying at home, after the first month, Mum and Dad had started to talk to Alex again, but conversations didn't have the same simple flow they use to. As much as I hate to admit it, I have always been favourited by my parents, always receiving presents just that bit more expensive, or being praised more for getting good grades. But never before had our household been this tense.

"I'm heading out" I yell to my Mum from the door. She doesn't reply, so I just walk out the door, guitar bouncing on mt back. Ten minutes later I arrive outside Bobby's house. Dropping my bike outside, I walk into the garage, which was dead silent. Leaving my guitar on one of the extra stands I walk into the little nook under the loft, to see Alex and Luke sharing a bed, Alex's feet on the pillow next to Luke's head. I quietly tiptoe over to Alex's drumkit, and with one of his drumsticks, hit the cymbal as hard as I can, without damaging the kit. Luke yells, and I hear a thump, as Alex falls out of bed in a panic. Laughing I jump onto the sofa.

"Alex you really should sleep at home tonight, I've been missing you," I say in a mocking tone

"Why don't you sleep here?" He grumbles, angry at me for waking him up.

"What, and share a bed with you and Luke? I'm good"

"Hey, I'm not that bad in bed!" Luke yells from the loft "... wait, that came out wrong"

I just laugh and start setting up my blue electric guitar

"I'm so ready for the show tonight!" I exclaim

"I can't wait for 'Get Lost'" Alex exclaims," I love my killer drum solo at the end!"

"Well, I can't wait for 'my name is luke', because it's all about me!" Luke says jokingly, swing off the ladder from the loft. "And now we have an angel's voice, harmonising it!" He winks at me

"Aww, I love you too" I drawl at luke, throwing a couch cushion at his head.


"1 2, 1 2 3 4!" Alex yells from behind the drums, tapping is drumsticks up above his head.

"Take off, last stop
Countdown 'til we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart
" d A smile creeps onto my face, as I jump down from the platform Alex was playing his drums on, and walk over to Reggie and the Mic.

Clocks move forward
But we don't get older, no
Kept on climbing
'Til our stars collided
And all the times we fell behind
Were just the keys to paradise"
I playfully lean my back against Reg, playing my guitar while he sings into the microphone


"Too bad that was wasted on a soundcheck" Bobby smirks, "That was the tightest we've ever played!" I roll my eyes but don't say anything, still on a high from the music. "Alex, you killed it out there!" Reggie says nudging him

"Nah, you guys are the one's who rocked!" Alex says brushing off the compliment. I jump onto his back,

"Just own your awesomeness dude" I grin, mocking Reggie.

"I do not sound like that!" He whines

"You sure do" I grin, I slide off Alex's back, and start running away from Reggie, who was chasing me through all the equipment. I suddenly get lifted off the ground as he manages to corner me, and he carries me over to Luke and the rest of the band.

"You're really good!" A girl who looks a bit older than us grins. I zone out of the rest of the conversation, despite having Luke excitedly bouncing on his toes next to me. I get pulled back to my senses when Luke grabs my arm and starts dragging me towards the exit.

"Where are we going?!" I protest, trying to fight against Luke

"To get street dogs" Luke answers still trying to pull me through the door

"Why isn't Bobby coming?"

"Because he is trying to pick up that girl over there" Luke says trying to stifle a laugh. "Anyways, I thought you didn't even like him?" I was true, everything about Bobby's laid back attitude, made me want to punch him right in the face, wiping off that jaunty smirk.

I pause before turning and yelling out to Bobby

"Way outta your league!" Before following Luke out the door.


"Excuse me... sir... I think I spilt some pickle juice on your battery cables" Alex says worriedly, as I scoop some more onion, onto my hotdog.

"It's fine, it will help with the rust" The man replies, with a thick accent

"That's not... okay" Alex replies with a shake of the head.

The four of us sit down on the Sofa, streetdogs in hand. I look behind my head to see a missing poster with Luke's name. I decide not to mention it now, not wanting to bring luke down form his high spirits

"Dig in boys," He says. I give him a quick kick before he adds, "And Lex". We hungrily bite into our hotdogs, before Alex pauses,

"These taste a bit different"

"Chill man, street dogs haven't killed us yet" Reggie replies, mouth full.

"Yeah, YET" I grumble before taking another bite into my dog.

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