06 | Dream Box

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"What are you all doing in my room!?" A loud voice rings out, making us all freeze and look towards the doorway.

"Uh" Alex and Reggie simultaneously say, trying to think of excuses, looking towards each other.

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke says uncertainly, his hand frozen in place, reaching out for a box on Julie's shelf

"This... This can't happen, it's creepy! Get off my bed please" Julie says to me and Reg almost as though it was an afterthought. We scramble off the bed, as Luke raises his hand as though we were back at school.

"Hey, Julie... what's in the box?"

"That's off-limits" Julie replies suspiciously quickly

"Oh, ok" Luke chuckles "girl stuff"

"Luke!" I say, my eyes widening mortified, while Julie just continues to glare at us, crossing her arms.

"Ohhh, like butterflies and glitter," Reggie asks, one hundred percent seriously making me once again wonder about his mental state

"Oh, come on!" Alex says, once again exasperated with our bandmates. "I'm sorry about them... they obviously don't have sisters"

Julie gives a small smile to Alex before turning back to Luke, the frown on her lips returning.

"It's none of your business! And yes... there might be some glitter" She adds, making Reggie smirk at me as though trying to prove me wrong even though I hadn't actually said anything.

"Hey!" Alex says unintentionally preventing a squabble between me and Reggie "I actually picked something up!" Carrying a blue picture frame over towards the bed, before dropping it onto the covers, "I dropped it"

"Is that your Mum?" Luke asks, stepping closer to the bed, while I swivel my head to peer at the picture of an obviously younger Julie sitting next to an older lady.

"Yes, and it's my favourite picture of us, so if you break it I'll break you," She says rather aggressively, snatching the picture out from under our noses, making us all look up at her

"Ok... um sorry to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure we're like, unbreakable at this point" I mumble, making Reggie let out a small noise before biting back his laughter.

"I don't get it... You guys can set up and use your instruments, and mess up my bed, but you can't pick up other stuff?" Julie asks, walking back over to the four of us, huddled around her bed.

"I know," I say, "I've been wondering the same thing!"

"But our instruments, easy" Reggie adds "Oh and check out what I learned today!" He says jumping up. He 'summons' his bass and upon its impact, he gets pushed back onto my lap

"Wow, super easy," I say sarcastically, pushing him back up into a sitting position.

"It's like I always thought!" Luke says, making Julie look away from Reggie, and back up at Luke "Our instruments are attached to our souls." Julie just shakes her head, before being interrupted by a sharp knock on the door, making Alex fling out his hand towards Luke, who grabs his hand and pulls it towards his chest, almost as if on impulse, while Reggie pushes me off the soft chair, making us stand next to the others.

"Hey, everything okay?" Julies Dad says, poking his head through the door

"Yeah, I'm fine," Julie says, in a high pitched voice. Lex and Luke both look down at their hands, before hastily releasing each other, making me and Reggie both snicker.

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